Reinhard Boetzkes

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Reinhard Boetzkes (full name Ludwig Maria Reinhard Boetzkes , also Bötzkes , born May 23, 1886 in Lobberich , † February 6, 1967 in Koblenz ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher. He emerged through special studies to the kerykeion , the staff of Hermes .

life and work

Reinhard Boetzkes was the son of the businessman Reinhard Boetzkes (1852–1938) and Maria geb. Döhmer, a daughter of the notary Johann Wilhelm Döhmer. Boetzkes senior, who had studied at the University of Innsbruck , ran a grocery wholesaler and later a grocery store with his brother Josef. He was also the city councilor for several decades. The Lobberich community made him an honorary citizen and named a street after him after his death.

Reinhardt Boetzkes first attended the Rector's School in Lobberich and then for six years the Collegium Augustinianum in Gaesdonck near Goch . He passed his matriculation examination at Easter 1905 at the Royal High School in Kempen . He then studied Catholic theology at the universities in Freiburg im Breisgau and Münster . There he switched to classical philology in the winter semester of 1906/07. From the summer semester 1907 to the summer semester 1909 he studied this subject at the University of Leipzig and then prepared for his degree in Münster. On July 7, 1911 he passed the Rigorosum , in the summer of 1912 (June 24, June 25, July 9 and July 10) the teaching qualification and acquired the teaching license ( facultas docendi ) in the subjects of Latin and Greek for all classes as well in history up to secondary.

After the exam, Boetzkes entered the preparatory service for teaching at grammar schools on September 12, 1912. He completed the seminar year at the Hohenzollerngymnasium in Düsseldorf , the probationary year until the end of September 1914 at the Royal Gymnasium in Euskirchen . During this time, Boetzkes also published his doctoral thesis and was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD . Subsequently, from September 10, 1914, Boetzkes was a scientific assistant teacher at the Royal High School in Trier , where he taught Latin, Greek and history as well as German. During the First World War he was assigned to the reserve reserve; it is not known whether he was drafted into the war. After the end of the war, he taught at the state high school in Kleve , where he was given a permanent position as a teacher on April 1, 1928. On October 1, 1929, he moved to the State Empress Augusta Gymnasium in Koblenz , where he spent the rest of his career. On August 1, 1940, he retired for health reasons.

At the beginning of his career Boetzkes occupied himself with religious studies, especially with the kerykeion , the staff of Hermes . His doctoral thesis (1913) was recognized by experts as an in-depth study. Boetzkes was unable to carry out the plan to develop it into a monograph “on ancient staff symbolism”. However, on behalf of his doctoral supervisor Wilhelm Kroll, he wrote an article for Pauly's Realenzyclopedia of Classical Classical Studies (RE), which appeared in 1921.

Fonts (selection)


  • 400 years of Confluentinum High School. Görres-Gymnasium Koblenz. 1582-1982 . Koblenz 1982, p. 211; 213

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Exact date and place of death according to information from the Koblenz City Archives, May 2, 2017.
  2. Street names in Lobberich , accessed on May 2, 2017.
  3. Information on the personnel form, No. 14: Military relationship (accessed on May 3, 2017).