Religious history of Lhorong

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
ལྷོ་ རོང་ ཆོས་ འབྱུང
Wylie transliteration :
lho rong chos' byung
Chinese name
Simplified :
洛 绒 史籍;
洛 絨 教 史
Pinyin :
Luorong shiji;
Luorong jiaoshi

The religious history of Lhorong ( Tib. Lho rong chos' byung ) or Lhorong Chöchung is an older work of Tibetan political and religious history from the perspective of a member of Taglung - Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism with a focus on the eastern Tibet. It was written by Tatshag Tshewanggyel ( rta tshag tshe dbang rgyal ) in the middle of the 15th century .


The author was a powerful figure in Lhorong ( lHo rong ) in western Kham ( Khams ) and a high ranking Buddhist. He was closely related to the Riboche monastery ( ri bo che ), the "lower monastery" (in contrast to the "upper monastery" Taglung , the founding monastery of the Taglung Kagyu tradition). All his life he donated money to the monasteries Xikahatuo Lakang, Karma , Taglung and Dansa Thil for Buddha statues, stupas and Buddhist scriptures, also for the printing of works of high monks of the Kagyu school and the Kanjur (the canonical collection of texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canons ). Many estates - including Tatshag Gang ( rta tshag sgang ) - he placed under the administration of the Riboche monastery.

His teachers included the abbot from the monastery of Densa Thil ( gDan sa mthil ) Chenga Sönam Gyeltshen ( spyan snga bsod nams rgyal mtshan ; 1386–1434), Taglung Chöje Changchub Gyatsho ( chos rje byang chub rgya mtsho ; 1403–1448) and Tsongkhapa Lobsang Dragpa ( tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa ; 1357-1419).


The work was written between 1446 and 1447 on the Tatshag Gang ( rTa-tshag sgang ) estate in Lhorong ( lHo-rong ), corrected in 1451, and a copy from 1460. It contains biographies of important representatives of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism - such as Marpa and Milarepa - as well as other people from the Kagyu tradition, with detailed introductions to teacher-student transmissions of the Barom -, Karma -, Phagdru -, Drigung - and Taglung schools, particularly from eastern Tibet.

The work extensively cites material from an author Chengawa as well as other relevant materials.

The edition of the Tibetan book series gangs can rig mdzod is divided into three parts: The first part is dedicated to Shakyamuni , the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha and Arhats (Buddhist disciples). The second part, the main part of the work, deals with the Indian teacher Tilopa, the founder of the Kagyu school Marpa , to Khenpo Phugpa with over three hundred monks of the Kagyu school. The nearly four hundred year history of the Kagyu School as well as politics, economy, culture and religion from different phases in Tibet are dealt with. The third part provides additional information from the periods of earlier and later dissemination of the teachings of Tibetan history.



  • Xizang fojiao shi . Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe 2009
  • Leonard WJ van der Kuijp, 'On the Fifteenth Century Lho rong chos' byung by Rta tshag Tshe dbang rgyal and Its Importance for Tibetan Political and Religious History,' Lungta [special issue entitled "Aspects of Tibetan History," guest edited by Roberto Vitali ], vol. 14 (Spring 2001), pp. 57-76

reference books

  • Dan Martin, Yael Bentor (eds.): Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works (London, Serindia 1997), ISBN 0906026431 (No. 118) - ( Addenda et Corrigenda )

See also

Web links

References and comments

  1. or dam pa'i chos kyi 'byung ba'i legs bshad lho rong chos' byung ngam rta tshag chos' byung zhes rtsom pa'i yul ming du chags pa'i ngo mtshar zhing dkon pa'i dpe khyad par can u. a. For the historiographical genre Chöchung (Tib .: chos byung ), see Tibetan literature # Historiography
  2. Chinese Dacha Ci Wangjie 达察 • 次 旺 杰, Daca Ciwangjie 达 擦 • 次 旺 杰, Daca Cewangjia 達 擦 • 策 望 加, Dacha Ciren Wangjie 达察 • 次仁 旺 杰 u. a.
  3. Liu speaks of 領袖 “leader”, see Liu Guowei 劉國威: Barong Gaju yiji ta zai Qinghai de fazhan 巴 絨 噶 舉 以及 它 在 青海 的 發展 (Barom-Kagyu and its development in Qinghai) ( Memento of the original from 22. February 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Chinese with English abstract; PDF; 349 kB) - @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. On the two Lhorong, cf. Joachim G. Karsten (Bonn): “ On the Monastic Archives of Kun-bde gling, Lhasa, Including a Preliminary Analytical Historical Study of the Monastery Itself (1794-1959 / 2000) ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ”( @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Here in Chinese spelling (Xikahatuo Lakang 谿 卡哈托拉康).
  6. Chinese Jing'e Suolang Jiancan 京 俄 · 索朗 坚 参
  7. also sTag-lung Byang-chub rgya-mtsho etc .; Chinese Dalong Qujie Jiangqu Jiacuo
  8. cf. Kagyu Namthar : The 10th Abbot of Taglung Monastery
  9. Chinese Luorong Dacha gang zhuangyuan
  10. z. B. to the Kagyu master Tishi Repa (Tib. Ti shi Ras pa ; 1164 / 5-1236) 帝 師 惹 巴: Tishi Repa ; see. Liu Guowei
  11. In Chinese translation, the title of this work is: Jiaofa yuanliu kaiyan qianguang 教法 源流 开眼 千 光; see. Dan Martin (1997), No. 110: "Spyan-snga-ba Bsod-nams-rgyal-mtshan, Chos' byung mig 'byed' od stong " (also the Addenda et Corrigenda to No. 110 by Dan Martin) and the Web link to the book presentation of Rare Texts  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Dead Link /   .
  12. "堪 布普巴"; Pinyin: Kanbu Puba. Here is apparently mkhan po phug pa , d. H. Phugpa Lhündrub Gyatsho (Tib .: phug pa lhun grub rgya mtsho) meant.
  13. Tib. Bstan pa snga is
  14. Tib. Bstan pa phyi is
  15. According to ( memento of the original from August 24, 2004 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ("Historical Documents About Lho-rong") some obvious errors in the original (a handwritten copy, the only existing copy) were corrected in the course of the editorial work. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
Religious history of Lhorong (alternative names of the lemma)
Lho rong chos' byung; Luorong jiaoshi 洛 绒 教 史; Luorong shiji 洛 绒 史籍; Lhorong Chochung; Lho-rong chos-'byung; Religious History from Lho Rong; Historical Documents About Lho-rong; dam pa'i chos kyi 'byung ba'i legs bshad lho rong chos' byung ngam rta tshag chos' byung zhes rtsom pa'i yul ming du chags pa'i ngo mtshar zhing dkon pa'i dpe khyad par can; Luorong Fojiao shi 洛 绒 佛教 史; Lhorong Chöchung, lo jung shih chi, Dacha jiaofa yuanliu 达察 教法 源流, Luorong jiaofa shi 洛 荣 教法 史