René Rebuffat

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René Rebuffat (born September 10, 1930 ; † December 1, 2019 ) was a French Provincial Roman archaeologist who made a name for himself in particular with research into Roman antiquity in North Africa .

Education and career

Rebuffat was a student at the collège in Vienne in the Isère department , the Lycée in Nîmes and the Lycée Henri IV in Paris . He then enrolled at one of the world's leading universities, the École normal supérieure (ENS) in Paris' Rue d'Ulm , and completed his diploma in humanities in 1952. At the end of his studies he made his diploma at the École pratique des hautes études . From 1956 to 1959 Rebuffat did his military service. In 1959 he became a member of the École française de Romeappointed. From there he was sent to the State Antiquities Service in Morocco in 1961, which became the starting point for his professional career as an archaeologist. He joined the National Center for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) in 1963 as a research fellow . In parallel to his work at the CNRS, Rebuffat lectured at the École normal supérieure in the Rue d'Ulm from 1971 to 1988 and received his doctorate in 1975 . In 1976 he set up the “Research Group for the Roman Army and the Provinces” at the CNRS and headed this department until 1988. Subsequently, the research group was transferred to the archeology laboratory on Rue d'Ulm, operated jointly by the École normal supérieure and the CNRS integrated. In 1992 Rebuffat was appointed Research Director in the degree of Directeur de recherche de classe exceptionnelle (DRCE) at the CNRS. In this position he retired in 1998 .

As an archaeologist, Rebuffat directed important excavations. Among other things, he was excavation manager at the Moroccan river basin of the Sebou from 1981 to 2002 . From 1959 to 1963 he had already participated in excavations in the ancient port city of Thamusida , which was also on the Sebou. At the same time as his work at the Sebou, he was busy from 1981 to 2002 with an inventory of the Roman road network and the economy in the former territory of the Gallic Helvians in the south of the Ardèche department . He also conducted research on the east coast of Corsica in the remains of the Roman Aléria and worked in France in Jublains , the Roman Noviodunum.

Rebuffat's most outstanding research activities, however, were his investigations as head of the excavations at Gholaia Fort near the Bu Njem oasis in Libya , which lasted from 1967 to 1977 , and surrounding Roman sites were also included in the project. In 1980 this project was officially completed, and the reworking not only kept him busy but also provided research material for generations after him. Gholaia became the best-researched Tripolitan Limes fort thanks to Rebuffat's decades of research. In 1976, 1977 and 1979 he was in Cyrenaica and took part in excavations in the ancient port city of Apollonia .

Since 2002 Rebuffat has devoted himself to researching language practices in pre-Islamic North Africa, including the epigraphic processing of ancient Libyan inscriptions. He died on December 1, 2019 at the age of 89.

Fonts (selection)

  • Aires sémantiques des principaux mots libyques . In: Melanges d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'École Française de Rome 118/1 (2006), pp. 267–295.
  • Les Romains et les routes caravanières africaines . In Le Sahara. Lien entre lespeuples et les cultures . Actes du Colloque organizé à Douz, pp. 221-260.
  • L'armée romaine à Gholaia . In: Géza Alföldy , Brian Dobson , Werner Eck (eds.): Emperor, Army and Society in the Roman Empire. Commemorative for Eric Birley . Steiner, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 978-3-515-07654-8 , pp. 227-259.
  • Le centurion M. Porcius Iasucthan à Bu Njem (Notes et documents XI). In: Libya antiqua , new series 1, 1995, pp. 79–123.
  • Au-delà des camps romains d'Afrique mineure: renseignement, contrôle, pénétration . In: Hildegard Temporini (Ed.): Rise and Decline of the Roman World Vol. 10/2, de Gruyter, Berlin 1982, pp. 474–512.
  • Maisons à péristyle d'Afrique du Nord. Repertoire of plans publié. In: Melanges d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'École Française de Rome 86 (1974), pp. 445-499.
  • Bu Njem . In: Libya antiqua 3, 1966-1967, pp. 49-137.

Web links


  1. Michael Mackensen: Building stock and reconstruction of the porta praetoria of the Severan vexillation fort Myd (---) / Gheriat el-Garbia on the "limes Tripolitanus" (Libya) . In: Roman fortifications. Findings and reconstruction. Contents - projects - documentation . (= Publication series Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation 7), 2013, pp. 88–107; here: p. 96.