UN Security Council resolution 1739

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The resolution 1739 of the UN Security Council is a resolution on the situation in the Ivory Coast that the United Nations Security Council has adopted unanimously at its 5617th meeting, on 10 January of 2007.

The resolution extended the mandate of the United Nations Operation on Ivory Coast (ONUCI) and the French Army that supports it under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter until June 30, 2007.

The resolution followed on from the previous decision by the Security Council to hold resolution 1721 , in particular on the will to hold parliamentary elections in Ivory Coast by October 31, 2007. The Security Council also invoked all previous relevant resolutions, in particular resolution 1712 on the situation in Liberia and confirmed its commitment to the recognition of the sovereignty, independence and territorial unity of the Ivory Coast, and called on the importance of good neighborly relations, non-interference and the regional cooperation in memory.

The Security Council expressed concern about the continuation of the crisis and the humanitarian situation of refugees and internally displaced persons on the basis of the UN Secretary-General's report dated December 4, 2006 (document S / 2006/939), and identified the situation as a threat to international peace in of the region.

Under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the Security Council decided

  1. to extend the mandate of ONUCI and the French troops until June 30, 2007 and until then carry out a review of the mandate with regard to the progress of the peace process, as intended by resolution 1721;
  2. modify ONUCI's mandate (see below);
  3. to extend the validity of Article 3 of resolution 1609 (2005) and Article 2 of resolution 1682 (2006) for the period up to 30 June 2007;
  4. that the UN Secretary-General is empowered to regroup troops from ONUCI and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) if necessary;
  5. that ONUCI can use all necessary means to implement the mandate;
  6. that ONUCI should exercise its mandate in close cooperation with UNMIL, specifically in preventing arms smuggling across the common border ;
  7. that ONUCI should implement resolution 1325 on the rights of women and girls;
  8. that from the date of adoption of the resolution, the French troops may take all necessary measures to support ONUCI, as agreed between ONUCI and the French authorities, in particular by contributing to general security, intervention in incidents, the protection of civilians , the monitoring of the arms embargo according to UN resolution 1572 (2004) and support for the reform of the Ivorian security forces;
  9. that all sides are obliged to cooperate in the stationing and operations of ONUCI and the French troops and not to obstruct them;
  10. continue to deal with the issue.

ONUCI's mandate, which was modified by the resolution, has the following scope:

  • Monitoring the cessation of hostilities and the movement of armed groups
  • Disarmament, repatriation, reintegration and resettlement of ex-militiamen
  • Disarmament and dissolution of militias
  • Implementation of the identification of residents and electoral roll-up
  • Security Forces Reform
  • Monitoring the arms embargo
  • Support of humanitarian operations
  • Help rebuild the government and authorities
  • Assistance in preparing for the elections
  • Help in the field of human rights
  • public relation
  • Establishing and maintaining public order and the law

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