Richard Carpellus

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Richard Karpellus (born November 28, 1897 in Ödenburg , † August 3, 1971 in Eisenstadt ) was an Austrian engineer in the energy industry in Burgenland.


Karpellus attended elementary school and secondary school in Ödenburg. He was drafted into the Joint Army in 1915 and returned from captivity in 1919. He studied at the Technical University of Graz engineering and in 1923 in legitimistic Corps Danubia recipiert . As an engineer he worked for the Ostburg electricity company in Oberwart . In 1927 he became operations manager of the power station in Güssing . In 1927 Heinz Birthelmer brought him to Eisenstädter Elektrizitäts-AG as operations manager. In 1939 he was appointed head of the operations management of Gauwerke Niederdonau AG in St. Pölten and in 1940 he was transferred to the West Moravian Electricity Works in Brno . Since he was a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party Austria - Hitler movement , he was dismissed in 1945. He switched to the private sector. In 1949 he was employed again at STEWEAG. He became operations director for southern Burgenland and was instrumental in the electrification of this area. He got on well with Governor Lorenz Karall and his deputy Alois Wessely . Significantly involved in the founding of the Burgenländische Elektrizitätswirtschafts Aktiengesellschaft , in 1959 he became chairman of the board and general director of the energy supply company . He conducted successful asset negotiations with Niederösterreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-Aktiengesellschaft and Energie Steiermark . In 1962 he retired.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 30/16
  2. Dipl.-Ing. Richard Karpellus (