Richard Katzenstein (chemist)

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Stumbling block for Richard Katzenstein in front of his former home at Raschdorffstrasse 12 in the Braunsfeld district of Cologne
Stolperstein for Martha Katzenstein , née Cahn , murdered in 1944 in Auschwitz
The two stumbling blocks for the couple, here after Gunter Demnig's relocation further away from the former home

Richard Katzenstein (born October 21, 1868 in Eschwege ; died December 7, 1942 in the Theresienstadt ghetto ) was a German chemist , manufacturer of prepared plants. As victims of the Holocaust came he and his wife early 21st century, more than 60 years after his death, posthumously into the headlines when against him and his wife in Cologne laid stumbling blocks were complaints.


Richard Katzenstein was the youngest of four sons of the manufacturer Julius (Juda) Katzenstein (born March 1, 1825 Eschwege, died September 15, 1902 in Kassel) and the Bertha born Wallach (born November 18, 1856 in Alsfeld, died Oct. 3 1899 in Eschwege). From May 15, 1887 he studied first in Hanover , then chemistry at the Universities of Würzburg and Rostock . On September 9, 1895 Katzenstein moved to Cologne . To the Dr. phil. after receiving his doctorate, he became a partner and collaborating chemist in the Cologne-based company Herzfeld & Cie , which specialized in the manufacture of plant preparations.

With his wife Martha , née Cahn , he lived in the Cologne district of Lindenthal at Raschdorffstraße 12 from the mid-1930s . At the beginning of the 1940s, they were forcibly interned with many other Jews in the ghetto building at Cäcilienstraße 18–22 . From there, they and 962 other people were deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto on June 15, 1942 on the 1st Cologne Transport III / 1 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn . Of the people on this transport, only 37 survived the Holocaust.

Richard Katzenstein died, according to the the Czech National Archive Prague received death display only a few months after his arrival in Theresienstadt; " Pulmonary edema " is given as the cause of death . Martha Katzenstein was deported from the ghetto to the Auschwitz concentration camp almost two years later and murdered there.

Controversy over stumbling blocks

After two stumbling blocks were laid by Gunter Demnig in front of Richard and Martha Katzenstein's former home at the end of 2002 on the basis of an initiative by students and through a foundation from the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Cologne , a lawyer, who was also a resident and co-owner of the building in question, brought an action against the city ​​of Cologne for the removal or at least some other relocation of the memorials. He saw his property rights permanently impaired by the memorial stones and felt mentally burdened by the daily confrontation with the horror of the Nazi era. The plaintiff, when asked by passers-by, felt that he was in need of an explanation, saw himself disparaged by the memorial stones and feared a decrease in the value of his property.

The resident's lawsuit was dismissed. However, in December 2003 Gunter Demnig implemented the two stumbling blocks "on his own initiative at a location closer to the street".

See also


  1. The erroneous assignment to the "Senate President at the Celle Higher Regional Court " actually relates to the lawyer Richard Katzenstein , compare for example the lecture by Brigitte Streich : Senate President at the Higher Regional Court of Celle: Das Schicksal Dr. Richard Katzenstein's until his retirement on February 1, 1934 under the heading Celle under National Socialism. A historical city tour

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Katzenstein Richard: Obituary report, Ghetto Theresienstadt. In: National Archives Prague, accessed June 21, 2018 .
  2. ^ Yad Vashem: Memorial sheet for Richard Katzenstein , accessed on June 21, 2018
  3. ^ A b c d Karl Kollmann , York-Egbert König : Names and fates of the Jewish victims of National Socialism from Eschwege. A memorial book , 1st edition, ed. by the magistrate of the district town of Eschwege with the support of the Nicolas Petrol Foundation, Raleigh, NC: Lulu Enterprises, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4709-7182-3 , v. a. P. 108; online through google books
  4. Uwe Wittstock: Stones in front of the door / An artist takes the right to put somber "stumbling blocks" in front of other Germans: someone who was murdered by the Nazis lived here. A Cologne lawyer complains against it ( memento from March 11, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), in: Die Welt from December 11, 2003
  5. See the entry of Richard Katzenstein's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  6. a b Albert Huhn: Plaintiff feels mentally burdened. In: Kölnische Rundschau. November 11, 2013, accessed June 21, 2018 .
  7. ^ Deportation list Transport III / 1 from Cologne to Theresienstadt on June 15, 1942; Sheet 10, entry 191. In: Retrieved June 21, 2018 .
  8. ^ Cologne to Theresienstadt. Statistics and deportation of the Jewish population from the German Reich. In: Retrieved June 21, 2018 .
  9. a b c Katzenstein, Dr. Richard. In: Stolpersteine ​​| Memorials for the victims of National Socialism. The NS Documentation Center of the City of Cologne, accessed on June 21, 2018 .
  10. Katzenstein, Dr. Richard. In: Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium, accessed on June 21, 2018 .