Richard von Spalding

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Richard Georg Siegfried Spalding , from 1900 von Spalding (born June 6, 1871 on Gut Klein Miltzow , Grimmen district , Pomerania ; † April 1, 1913 in Berlin-Lichterfelde ) was a German administrative lawyer and deputy governor of German East Africa .


Spalding was the son of the royal Prussian Rittmeister Richard Spalding (born July 31, 1844), who was raised to the Prussian nobility on January 1, 1900 , landlord of Groß Miltzow (Grimmen district) and his wife Marie Gustave von Loesewitz (born March 10, 1850) .

He studied law in Bonn and Halle , where he was a member of the Corps Hansea and Guestphalia .

At the beginning of April 1900 he joined the colonial department of the Foreign Office in preparation for colonial service . His first job overseas was in the government of German East Africa, where he was appointed official advisor on April 1, 1903 . In September 1905 he took on the character as imperial Government . In April 1906 he became a permanent laborer in the central colonial administration, and in the same year he became a member of the Legation Council .

Spalding married on May 7, 1907 Emilie Paula Johanna Grote (born October 29, 1877 in Barmen ; † March 28, 1931 in Berlin), the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Grote (1835–1900) and Maria Pauline Wülfing (1844–1918) .

With the establishment of the Reich Colonial Office in 1908, Spalding was promoted to the Privy Councilor and Lecturing Council. In this function he led the affairs of state in Dar es Salaam from the end of 1909 to June 1910, on behalf of the governor Albrecht von Rechenberg, who was on leave . In April 1911 he was appointed to the Secret Upper Government Council with the rank of Council II class.


  • Secret Senior Government Councilor Dr. v. Spalding † . In: Deutsches Kolonial-Blatt 24 (1913), p. 355.
  • Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses, 1913, p.765

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelslexikon Volume XIII, Page 431, Volume 128 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 2002, ISBN 3-7980-0828-0
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 11 , 302
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 116, 1041 , 46