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The Rigge , better known under the unusual name Riggertal ( Italian Val Riga ), is a short section of the Eisack run in the north of the Brixner valley basin in South Tyrol . The Brixner valley basin is located at the meeting of Eisack and Pustertal or Eisack and Rienz and was formed by the Eisack glacier and the Rienz glacier during the last ice age . At the rigge, the Eisack flows through a relatively wide trough valley , which narrows in the north before Aicha and in the south before Neustift .

Administratively, the Riggertal, which offers space for the two farms of Vorderrigger and Hinterrigger , belongs to the municipalities of Vahrn and Natz-Schabs .

The rig was first documented in 1147 as “Rikke” in the tradition book of the Brixen monastery on the occasion of a property transaction in which a ministerial named Ludewic bequeathed his property there to the Brixen cathedral chapter. In 1162/64 the Weihenstephan Monastery was also wealthy “in Rieche” . According to linguist Egon Kühebacher , the name is of Middle High German origin and means "hedge, enclosure".

The Riggertal has become known in recent times primarily through large infrastructural construction activities. A construction site for the Brenner Base Tunnel is located here . The construction of the so-called Riggertal Loop , with which the Pustertal Railway is to be better connected to the Brenner Railway by means of a bridge over the rig, has been under discussion for a long time .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oswald Redlich : The traditional books of the Brixen monastery from the tenth to the fourteenth century (Acta Tirolensia 1). Wagner: Innsbruck 1886, p. 165, No. 470.
  2. Martin Bitschnau , Hannes Obermair : Tiroler Urkundenbuch, II. Department: The documents on the history of the Inn, Eisack and Pustertal valleys. Volume 2: 1140-1200 . Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck 2012, ISBN 978-3-7030-0485-8 , p. 155, No. 579 .
  3. ^ Egon Kühebacher: The place names of South Tyrol and their history . Volume 1. Athesia: Bozen 1991. ISBN 88-7014-634-0 , p. 360f.

Web links

Coordinates: 46 ° 45 ′ 21 ″  N , 11 ° 38 ′ 33 ″  E