Pink List Munich

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Thomas Niederbühl (2007)

The Munich Pink List (exact name: Voters' Initiative Pink List Munich eV ) is a political group in Munich that represents the interests of gays and lesbians - as well as bisexuals , transsexuals and intersexuals - at the local level. The name was chosen because "the police in Munich had registered known homosexuals under this name until 1987". "The young club took over the term [...] and turned it into a positive one."

The green city ​​councilor and VSG member Gerd Wolter gave the impetus for the founding, with the intention of participating in the city council elections in 1990 with his own list. The founding event of the Munich Pink List took place on September 2 and the first election meeting on October 8, 1989 in the Munich guild house. The student Thomas Niederbühl was nominated as the top candidate ; Gerd Wolter was voted second.

After the pink list narrowly missed entry into the city council in the city ​​council elections in 1990 and 1994 with 1.0% and 1.1% respectively, it achieved 1.8% of the votes and a seat on the city council in the 1996 local elections. Local celebrities such as Petra Perle or Peter Ambacher (known as Miss Piggy ), who became a city-wide heap king , had also been put on the pink list in 1996. With her entry into the city council, she was the first gay and lesbian group of voters in Europe to enter a local parliament. In the city council elections in 2002, 2008 , 2014 and 2020 , the Pink List won a seat in the city council with a share of the votes of 2.0%, 1.9%, 1.9% and 1.0%, with the top lesbian candidates Marion Hölczl ( 2002) and Rita Braaz (2008 and 2014) each narrowly missed the second seat.

Thomas Niederbühl has been a member of the city council for the Pink List since 1996 . There he forms a group with the Greens. From 1996 to 2014 and again from 2020, the SPD , Green and Pink List formed the government coalition in Munich City Hall .

The Pink List 2020 moves into the District Committee (BA) Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt with 7.6% of the votes (-6.5% compared to 2014). The elected members Andreas Klose and Hannelore Rohrbach have confirmed the faction community with the Greens and together have 13 of the 25 seats in BA2.

Earlier election results: 1996: 7.5% (2 seats: Jens Uwe Lückemeier, Alexander Miklosy), 2002: 11% (3 seats: Alexander Miklosy, Klaus Neumann, Michael Tappe), 2008: 12.9% (3 seats: Alexander Miklosy, Klaus Neumann, Franz Schiermeier), 2014: 14.1% (3 seats: Alexander Miklosy, Andreas Klose, Carlos Lopez - Harald Gescher moved up after Miklosy's death in January 2019).

In 1990 the Pink List sent one member to four of the old district committees, namely in: Isarvorstadt / Schlachthof-Viertel (Thomas Niederbühl), Isarvorstadt / Glockenbachviertel (Manfred Schmid), Haidhausen (Thomas Knuth), Maxvorstadt (Peter Zimmermann) and Schwabing-Nord / Milbertshofen / Am Hart (Florian Althoff). In 1994 there were mandates in the Isarvorstadt / Schlachthof district (Thomas Niederbühl) and in Haidhausen (Thomas Knuth).

Thomas Niederbühl's choice soon had an impact far beyond the city limits. He was invited in 1997 by the Berlin gay groups, because they thought "seriously about founding a ROSA LISTE in protest against the planned austerity measures of the CDU and SPD", which was due to the soon following mayoral election of Klaus Wowereit as the first openly gay top politician and Head of a new, queer-friendly coalition did not come. In 1999 the Pink List successfully demanded an anti-discrimination addendum for city job advertisements for the first time in Germany. In 2001 she initiated the invitation to two international, queer congresses in Munich, the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) and the World Congress of LGBT Jews. celebrated. In addition, the Pink List is co-founder of Pink Christmas, the oldest gay and lesbian Christmas market in the world, which has existed since 2005. In 2010 the coordination office for same-sex lifestyles was founded with their help. The Pink List also supports the Munich-Kiev scene partnership, which has existed since 2013.

On November 13, 2009, the Pink List celebrated its 20th anniversary in a ceremony in Munich's Oberangertheater. On November 15, 2019, a ceremony with a historical review of the 30th day of the company's foundation was again celebrated.

On May 2, 2016, the 20th anniversary of Thomas Niederbühl's entry into the Munich City Council (see above) was celebrated in Café Regenbogen ( Aids-Hilfe ): “That a lot of what he said about gay Munich in the 1990s, It's hard to imagine today, it has a lot to do with his work in the town hall. "

Niederbühl names a current project in 2016: “Support homosexual refugees […] […]. On the other hand, there is concern about anti-gay attacks by migrants who come from societies in which being gay is considered criminal. "

When asked about the tasks for the near future, Niederbühl listed: "Forms of living, young and old, trans- and intersexuality."

Niederbühl names his perspective beyond the next local election: “In 2020 he wants to run again. Then [...] a woman could finally get hold of a second seat. "

Literature, sources

Web links

Commons : Pink List Munich  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. ↑ Electoral program 2020-2026 (= program), page 4 and amended statutes from 2015
  2. a b Scherf, Martina: lone fighters. Thomas Niederbühl has been a member of the Munich City Council for the Pink List for 20 years. To this day he is the only representative of a gay and lesbian list in a German parliament , Süddeutsche Zeitung of June 8, 2016, page R6.
  3. ^ Zunfthaus , Thalkirchner Str. 76
  4. Zeitung rosa liste münchen No. 16 (Feb / March '97), p. 5
  5. Festschrift "20 years of pink list Munich" (= Festschrift), page 23
  6. Festschrift, pages 24–27 ( Memento of the original from December 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Festschrift, page 31
  8. Festschrift, page 34
  9. Munich Rainbow Foundation , program, pages 8 and 12
  10. Program, page 9
  11. a b c Müller, Felix: 20 years of pink list in the city council. The man who taught Munich tolerance , Münchner Merkur from May 24, 2016, section Munich , p. 31 (= Müller, Merkur)
  12. Bernd Müller: 5 questions for City Councilor Thomas Niederbühl , "Leo" magazine from June 2016, p. 5.