Sagiri Kitao

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Sagiri Kitao (* 1972 ) is a Japanese economist and university lecturer .

Career, research and teaching

Kitao studied at Waseda University , she at 1996 as Bachelor in Arts in Political Science graduate . She then worked for three years for the Japanese branch of the investment bank Goldman Sachs in Tokyo before moving to the United States in 1999 , where she continued her studies at Harvard Kennedy School . In 2001 she completed her master's degree in public administration , then switched to the Ph.D. - Studied economics at New York University , where she graduated in May 2007 under the later Nobel Prize winner Thomas Sargent . From August of that year she was an assistant professor at the University of Southern California , and in September 2009 she moved to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York . In 2011, she returned to the academic life and was now on as associate professor at Hunter College of the City University of New York hired. In 2015 she returned to Japan when she was appointed full professor at Keiō University . In April 2018, she accepted an offer from the University of Tokyo .

Kitao's work focuses on macroeconomics , where she deals in particular with issues relating to labor economics , income taxation , social , health and disability insurance and demographic change . She has received several awards for her work, in particular with research grants , in 2016 she was the first woman in the history of the award to receive the Nakahara Prize .

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