Dietrich Wrangell

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Dietrich Wrangell zu Adinal, portrait by David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl

Dietrich Wrangell , Count zu Adinal, Freiherr zu Jordansby ( Swedish Didrik greve Wrangel af Adinal, formerly till Jordansby ; born March 12, 1637 in Adinal ; † February 15, 1706 ) was a Swedish lieutenant admiral .


Origin and family

Wrangell was a co-founder of the Swedish line of Wrangel af Adinal of the Baltic noble family of Wrangel . His parents were the heir to Adinal and Kattel, Hermann Wrangell († 1666) and Beate, née Wachtmeister († 1685). The Swedish admiral Gustav Wrangell (1630–1688) was his older brother.

From his marriage to Magdalena Clerck, daughter of the last Swedish Holmamiral Hans Clerck (1607–1679), four daughters and one son emerged.


Wrangell began his career in the Swedish Army in 1653 as a second lieutenant in the Admiralty and rose to first lieutenant in 1655 . He took part in landings in Poland as well as in Russia in the Second Northern War . Against Denmark he served in 1658 on the admiral ship Sjöholm as sea ​​captain during the battle in the Sound and was then able to excel on the admiral ship Bjielkenstirna in the battle between Femern and Langeland. In 1666 he was promoted to major , in 1669 to spar major, and finally in 1670 to admiral lieutenant.

In recognition of his war merits in 1674, he became governor of the province of Ostrobothnia . After he had also proven himself there, the king appointed him governor of Nerike and Wermland in 1685 .

Count's coat of arms Wrangel af Adinal

In 1680 he and his younger brother Reinhold († 1686) were raised to the status of Swedish baron. In 1690, he was raised to the Swedish count status and was introduced to the count class of the Swedish knighthood (sup. No. 37).

Wrangel also became royal councilor and president of the Bergskollegium in 1693 .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Otto Magnus von Stackelberg (edit.): Genealogical manual of the Estonian knighthood , Volume 1, Görlitz [1931], pp. 537 and 584.
  2. ^ Gabriel Anrep : Svenska adelns ättartaflor. Volume 4, Stockholm 1864, pp. 638-639. (Swedish)
  3. Anders Anton von Stiernman: Matrikel öfwer Swea Rikes Ridderskap och Adel , last volume, Stockholm 1754, p. 31. (Swedish)