Salmo lumi

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Salmo lumi
Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Salmo lumi
Scientific name
Salmo lumi
Poljakov , Filipi, Basho & Hysenaj, 1958

Salmo lumi is a species from the family of salmon fish (salmonids), which is endemic in the north and west of the Lake Ohrid at the Albanian - nordmazedonischen occur border. The status as a separate species has not been conclusively clarified.


Salmo balcanicus reaches a length of 38 centimeters. Outwardly, it is very similar to the other species in Lake Ohrid, the Ohrid trout ( Salmo letnica ), Salmo aphelios and Salmo balcanicus . Clear differentiators are not known. The head and body are silvery with black spots. Red spots are mainly due to the lateral line available

Way of life

The species spawns in tributaries of the lake from December to February, which means that reproduction is separated in terms of time and space from the other species in the lake.


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