Salmo montenigrinus

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Salmo montenigrinus
Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Salmo montenigrinus
Scientific name
Salmo montenigrinus
( Karaman , 1933)

Salmo montenigrinus is a species from the family of Salmonidae (Salmonidae) that are endemic to the Balkan Peninsula in the area of Morača in the center of Montenegro and in the Neretva , the largest flow of Herzegovina occurs.


Salmo montenigrinus reaches a length of up to 26 centimeters. The body height makes up 25–28% of the standard length . The top of the head and the back are yellowish and have no spots. The flanks have numerous small black spots, which are mainly below the lateral line organ , as well as more evenly distributed red spots. The upper jaw is short and wide. The gill trap has 21 to 23 thorns. There are 15 to 17 scales between the adipose fin and the lateral line.

Way of life

The species inhabits fast-flowing, clear waters and is often found near waterfalls. The spawning season is in spring.


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