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Sicilian salsiccia
Salsiccia with parsley, fried in the pan

Under Salsiccia (ital plurality. Salsicce ) refers to a space in the German Italian , coarse sausage. In terms of structure and taste, it often resembles a German, coarse bratwurst . Depending on the region, salsiccia is made with different types of meat and enriched with herbs, spices (especially freshly ground black pepper) and flavors. The most common type is made from only pork.

In Italy, the word salsiccia refers to any type of sausage.


The exact origin of the Salsiccia is unclear, different regions claim to be the home of the Salsiccia. In Lombardy it is said that the Lombard Queen Theudelinde invented the recipe and then gave it to the people of Monza . There are also indications of the origin of Salsiccia from Veneto , Campania and Basilicata . Salsiccia is mentioned under the name Lucanica in works by Cicero , Martial and Marcus Terentius Varro as early as the time of the birth of Christ. Slaves from Lucania, today's region of Basilicata , brought the specialty to Rome. Marcus Terentius Varro writes about this in the essay De Lingua Latina : "lucanicam dicunt quod milites a Lucanis didicerint" (Varro, LL, 5, 111), ie "Her name is Lucanica because the soldiers know her from the Lucans". The word “luganega” developed from the word “lucanica” and is still used today in Lombardy, the region around Trento and in Veneto to denote thin salsicce. In the Basilicata region there is still a "Salsiccia lucanica".

Preparation and use

A natural casing from pork or mutton is typically used to prepare the salsiccia. This is filled with both lean (e.g. shoulder) and fatty (e.g. belly) minced and salted meat. Wine (especially red wine) and spices are usually added to the meat mass. The recipe varies depending on the region, however, it is seasoned with garlic , pepper , fennel , coriander , paprika , nutmeg and sugar.

If you press it out of the skin , the sausage meat can u. a. can be used as a meat insert for pasta sauces. In this form, the salsiccia is also often used in risotti .

Regional differences

The products are prepared according to different recipes in each region. While liver is used and honey is added in the Abruzzo region , salsicce is also made from wild boar meat in Marche . In Sardinia , pork salsiccia dominates. The Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests has a list of “foods recognized as typical”.

Individual evidence

  1. Carne al Fuoco on the history of Salsiccia ( Memento of June 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) (Italian language)
  2. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests: Database of typical foods by region ( Memento of October 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (Italian language, PDF)

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