Samuel Gottfried Geyser

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Samuel Gottfried Geyser (born January 12, 1740 in Görlitz , † June 15, 1808 in Kiel ) was a German educator and Protestant theologian.


Born as the son of the pastor at the Trinity Church and senior of the ministry in Görlitz Gottfried Geyser , he was a brother of the well-known copper engraver Christian Gottlieb Geyser . He attended high school in his hometown and then moved to the University of Leipzig , where he studied with Johann August Ernesti for two years . On May 30, 1765, he moved to the University of Wittenberg , where he acquired the right to read aloud for universities as a Magister Legens on July 29, 1765, and was promoted to a Masters in Philosophy on October 17 of the same year.

After he had completed his habilitation on January 26, 1766 as an adjunct at the philosophical faculty in Wittenberg, Geyser went to Reval as a high school professor of theology in 1770 . There he took over the mathematics chair and was twice rector of the institution. On August 19, 1777 he became a full professor of theology at Kiel University , where he received his doctorate in theology that same year . In his early days in Kiel he read about the prophet Jeremiah . His curriculum from 1778 to 1780 included dogmatics, he read about theologia recens controversa , the symbolic books, theological polemics and other church issues.

At the beginning of the eighties he mainly interpreted the Old Testament , from 1782 on he read about the little prophets , the books of Samuel , the Psalms, Chaldean parts of the Old Testament and later also about the hermeneutics of the New Testament . In addition about polemics , about homiletics according to the aphorisms and about church history. In 1789 he becomes a real royal Danish church councilor, took part in the administration of Kiel University and was Vice-Rector there in the winter semester of 1779 and 1785 . His son, the physician Andreas Johann Justus Geyser (born June 14, 1779 in Kiel), also worked academically as a private lecturer at the Kiel Academy.

Selection of works

  1. Diss. (Tres) de usu patrum. Wittenberg 1765
  2. Diss. De usu scriptorum veteris ecclesiae. Wittenberg 1765
  3. Progr. Poetae graeci antiquiores, interpretis sacrarum litterarum magistri. Wittenberg, 1768
  4. Sermon of the wise conduct of the saints regarding their hidden faults. Leipzig, 1769
  5. Progr. From patriotism in general. Reval, 1771
  6. Progr. On the ease of patriotism under good government. Reval 1772
  7. Progr. On the participation of the state in public education. Reval 1775
  8. Progr. To the Feyer of the festive day, which is dedicated to the memory of the peace made with the Turks in 1774. Reval 1775
  9. Program on the extent of the influence which a good government has on the happiness of the whole people and on the prosperity of the whole civil constitution. Reval 1775
  10. Progr. On the need to adapt public school teaching to the needs and tastes of the times. Reval 1776
  11. Progr. Of the promotion of a sensible upbringing and a non-profit teaching, as one of the most worthy royal worries. Reval 1776
  12. Progr. Paschale: Disputantur nonnulla universe de dubitationibus contra historiam reditus Jesu Christi ad vitam allatis. Kiel 1778
  13. Aphorismi ethici in usum scholarum. Kiel 1789
  14. Doubts about the usual translation and explanation of certain passages in the Psalms; in the Crameric observations, vol. 2. (1788)
  15. Reviews in the Novis actis eruditorum, in Ernesti's theol. Bibl. And valid time in Halle,


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