San Miguel (Putumayo)

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San Miguel
Coordinates: 0 ° 21 ′  N , 76 ° 55 ′  W
Map: Colombia
San Miguel
San Miguel on the map of Colombia
Colombia - Putumayo - San Miguel.svg
The location of the municipality of San Miguel on the map of Putumayo
Basic data
Country Colombia
Department Putumayo
City foundation 1994
Residents 28,982  (2019)
City insignia
Flag of San Miguel-La Dorada (Putumayo) .svg
Escudo de San Miguel-La Dorada.svg
Detailed data
surface 570 km 2
Population density 51 people / km 2
height 380  m
Waters San Miguel River
Time zone UTC -5
City Presidency Régulo Hernán Martínez (2016–2019)

San Miguel is a municipality ( municipio ) in the department of Putumayo in southern Colombia on the border with Ecuador . The main town (cabecera municipal) of San Miguel is La Dorada .


San Miguel is located in the subregion Bajo Putumayo in Putumayo Department at an altitude of 380 meters. The municipality is bordered by Valle del Guamuez in the north and west , Puerto Asís in the east and the province of Sucumbíos in Ecuador in the south .


The municipality of San Miguel has 28,982 inhabitants, of which 6355 live in the main town of La Dorada (as of 2019).


The settlement of the Bajo Putumayo region took place in particular after the start of oil production by the Texas Petroleum Company in the 1960s. As a result, the illegal coca cultivation for cocaine production also shaped the region. The area was also badly affected by the armed conflict and the alternating presence of paramilitary groups and the FARC guerrilla. In economic terms , San Miguel has always been in the shadow of the neighboring cities of Lago Agrio in Ecuador and La Hormiga in Valle del Guamuez . The municipality of San Miguel with the capital La Dorada was created in 1994. The border town on the border river Río San Miguel , formerly known as San Miguel, is now called Puerto Colón and is a corregimiento of San Miguel.

Web links

Commons : San Miguel  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files
  • Alcaldia de San Miguel. Alcaldía de San Miguel - Putumayo, accessed April 11, 2019 (Spanish, municipality website).

Individual evidence

  1. ESTIMACIONES DE POBLACIÓN 1985 - 2005 Y PROYECCIONES DE POBLACIÓN 2005 - 2020 TOTAL DEPARTAMENTAL POR ÁREA. (Excel; 1.72 MB) DANE, May 11, 2011, accessed on April 11, 2019 (Spanish, extrapolation of the population of Colombia).
  2. Nuestro municipio. Alcaldía de San Miguel - Putumayo, accessed April 11, 2019 (Spanish, information on the history of the municipality).