Sannar (state)

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Libyen Zentralafrikanische Republik Tschad Ägypten de-facto Ägypten - vom Sudan beansprucht de-facto Ägypten - weder von Sudan noch von Ägypten beansprucht Südsudan Eritrea Äthiopien de-facto Sudan (vom Sudan als Teil von Dschanub Kurdufan beansprucht - vom Südsudan beansprucht) Gharb Darfur Dschanub Darfur Dschanub Kurdufan An-Nil al-azraq Sannar (Bundesstaat) Al-Dschazira (Bundesstaat) Al-Qadarif (Bundesstaat) An-Nil al-abyad Al-Chartum Kassala Nahr an-Nil al-Bahr al-ahmar Schamal Kurdufan Asch-Schamaliyya Schamal Darfur Wasat Darfur Scharq DarfurSennar in Sudan.svg
About this picture
Basic data
Capital : Sannar
Area : 37,844 km²
Residents : 1,374,405 (calculation 2010)
Population density : 36.32 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 : SD-SI

Governor : Ahmed Abbas

Sannar ( Arabic سنار, DMG Sannār ), alternative spelling Sennar or Sinnar , is a federal state in south-eastern Sudan , which borders Ethiopia .

It has an area of ​​37,844 km², a population of 1,374,405 inhabitants (2010 calculation) and its capital is the city of the same name, Sannar .

Extensive irrigation fields can be found in the state through the Sannar Dam , which dams the Blue Nile .

On the border with Ethiopia is the Dinder National Park , which is traversed by the eponymous river Dinder .


From 1919 to 1991 the area of ​​today's state of Sannar belonged to the province of an-Nil al-azraq . From 1991 to 1994 the area of ​​Sannar belonged to the newly created state of al-Sharqiyya, which resembled the province of an-Nil al-azraq from 1919 to 1974. On February 14, 1994, Sannar State was split off from al-Sharqiyyah.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sebastian Barzel: Sudan - Places, Cities, Population. (No longer available online.) In: August 1, 2008, archived from the original on September 2, 2018 ; accessed on September 2, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Historical overview of the Sudanese states

Coordinates: 12 ° 58 '  N , 34 ° 3'  E