Sant Esteve de les Roures

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The coat of arms of the imaginary municipality

Sant Esteve de les Roures ( Catalan for Saint Stephen of the Oaks ), often called Roures for short on the internet , is a fictional town in Catalonia . It emerged as an internet phenomenon as a result of a newspaper duck during the Catalonia crisis in 2018 .



On March 28, 2018, the Spanish daily El Mundo reported on alleged and actual acts of violence in connection with the Catalan independence referendum of October 1, 2017 , citing documentation by the Guardia Civil. The documentation was submitted to the Spanish Supreme Court .

The report alleged, among other things, that one of the most aggressive incidents occurred in the Catalan village of Sant Esteve de les Roures. A motorcyclist hit a police officer and tried to steal his service weapon. A demonstrator attacked several police officers and kicked one of them in the head after he fell.

After the publication in the Spanish newspaper it turned out that the alleged village "Sant Esteve de les Roures" does not exist.

The internet phenomenon

A few days later, an account for the fictitious “municipal administration of Sant Esteve de les Roures” was opened on the Internet platform Twitter . Fictitious allegations of violence against Spanish authorities were disseminated under this account. The Spanish military police then complained to the “municipal administration” about the alleged abuse of office. Until April 25, 2018, the original hoax in El Mundo was not denied either by the newspaper or by the Spanish military police.

After the Twitter account of the alleged locality was called to refute the allegation of its non-existence on social media , more than 80 Twitter accounts of alleged institutions in “Sant Esteve de les Roures” were opened in April 2018 and the alleged village was in the The Republic of Catalonia aspired to by the Catalan independence movement developed into a viral phenomenon and a political joke .

At the end of April, the alleged village was supposed to have two universities, a market, an internet meeting point, a dental clinic, an underground network, a kebab shop, an agricultural association, branches of political parties, an association of German entrepreneurs as well as police stations, a public prosecutor's office and their own jurisdiction feature. The alleged judge bore the name of the investigator for whom the defective dossier of the Guardia Civil was intended.

The equally fictitious, invented for a television series municipality Arralde in the Basque Country in April 2018. virtual twin city declared Sant Esteve de les Roures. In 2009, the Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón tried to send police officers to “Arralde” on the basis of an unfounded criminal complaint from opponents of the terrorist group ETA . According to the advertisement, a solidarity dinner for alleged Basque political prisoners was held there.

According to the Internet newspaper Libertad Digital , "Sant Esteve de les Roures" was a misspelling of the municipality of Sant Esteve Sesrovires in the Baix Llobregat district in the province of Barcelona .

Consequences in politics

The for Catalan independence movement belonging Left party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya requested in May 2018 Spanish Congress of Deputies a grant of five million euros for the renovation of the "station of Sant Esteve de les Roures". The unionist Spanish party Ciudadanos and the Basque Eusko Alderdi Jeltzalea-Partido Nacionalista Vasco both approved the joke motion , which was tabled at the same time as 997 serious motions by the ERC in parliament. In May 2018, the ERC withdrew the application because the town was "not on state territory".

Consequences in culture

In April 2018, the Catalan singer Leticia Sabater accepted a fictional invitation from the left-wing party Candidatura d'Unitat Popular to perform in “Sant Esteve de les Roures” and to perform the Tukutú dance at the “ Main People's Festival”.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Esteban Urreiztieta, Ángeles Escrivá: La Guardia Civil acredita al Tribunal Supremo 315 actos violentos del 'procés' en Cataluña. El Mundo on March 28, 2018
  2. a b c Reiner Wandler: The village that is only available on Twitter. the daily newspaper from April 25, 2018
  3. Uli Hake: The fable of the cosmopolitan democracy. the Friday of April 20, 2018
  4. La Guàrdia Civil i Sant Esteve de les Roures: un diàleg impossible. Catalunya Ràdio from April 14th 2018
  5. ^ Antoni Agüera: Humor independentista con Sant Esteve de les Roures. Ultima Hora of April 19, 2018
  6. Arralde, toma cuerpo y se hermana con Sant Esteve de les Roures. Naizplus from April 26, 2018
  7. ^ Antoni Maria Piqué: Sant Esteve de les Roures, l'alternativa indepe a Tabàrnia. El Nacional from April 18, 2018
  8. Garzón ENVÍO policias a un falso acto de apoyo a los presos de ETA convocado en Arralde, pueblo ficticio sacado de una serie de la televisión vasca. El Confidencial Digital of September 24, 2009
  9. ^ Pablo Planas: Sant Esteve dels Collons, nuevo pueblo catalán. Libertad Digital from May 2, 2018
  10. ERC presenta una enmienda a los presupuestos para el municipio de Sant Esteve de les Roures. La Vanguardia , accessed May 6, 2018
  11. ERC cuela una enmienda a los Presupuestos para "remodelar" la estación de Sant Esteve de les Roures. El Periódico from May 2, 2018
  12. ERC retira la enmienda presupuestaria de Sant Esteve de les Roures “por no hallarse en territorio nacional”. La Vanguardia on May 16, 2018
  13. Leticia Sabater acepta actuar en el inventado Sant Esteve de les Roures. El Periódico from April 25, 2018
  14. ^ Marc Villanueva: Leticia Sabater incluye en su gira un pueblo independentista que no existe. El Nacional from April 25, 2018

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