Shameful fritillary

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Shameful fritillary
MDF Fritillaria pudica 01.jpg

Pubic fritillary ( Fritillaria pudica )

Order : Lily-like (Liliales)
Family : Lily family (Liliaceae)
Subfamily : Lilioideae
Genre : Fritillaria
Type : Shameful fritillary
Scientific name
Fritillaria pudica
( Pursh ) Blast.

The Fritillaria pudica ( Fritillaria pudica ) is a plant from the family of the lily family (Liliaceae).


The pubic fritillary is a perennial , herbaceous plant that is between 7 and 30 centimeters high. The bulbs of these geophytes consist of four to five large, starchy onion scales. Often between 85 and 125 small scales are added.

The two to eight leaves are arranged opposite each other or are distributed. They are linear to lanceolate and between 3 and 20 centimeters long.

The hermaphrodite flowers are nodding. They bloom from March to June. The six ungrown bracts are yellow to orange and often streaked brown. With age, they change color towards brick-red. They are between 0.8 and 2.2 inches long. The nectaries are located on the flower base, they are green and elliptical in shape. The ovary is constantly above, the stylus is unbranched.

The triple capsule fruits are clearly angled in the longitudinal direction.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 24, 26.


Shameful fritillaries thrive on grassy or wooded slopes at altitudes between 0 and 2100 meters above sea level.

The distribution area extends in western North America over British Columbia , California , Idaho , Montana , Nevada , Oregon , Utah , Wyoming and Washington .


Shame fritillaries were common food among the North American natives . The small onions were eaten raw, the larger ones dried or cooked. For the Okanagan and Colville , the Blooming of the Shame Fritillarie was a symbol of spring. The Secwepemc gathered large bouquets of flowers.


  • Flora of North America , Volume 26, Page 170Accessed online December 11, 2009

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Commons : Shameful Fritillarie  - Collection of Images