Schneppenbach (Westerbach)

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The Schneppenbach near Hofstädten

The Schneppenbach near Hofstädten

location Spessart


River system Rhine
Drain over Westerbach  → Kahl  → Main  → Rhine  → North Sea
source between Geiselbach and Hofstädten
50 ° 6 ′ 54 ″  N , 9 ° 12 ′ 16 ″  E
Source height 298  m above sea level NHN
muzzle in Schneppenbach in the Westerbach Coordinates: 50 ° 5 '42 "  N , 9 ° 14' 37"  E 50 ° 5 '42 "  N , 9 ° 14' 37"  E
Mouth height 210  m above sea level NHN
Height difference 88 m
Bottom slope 18 ‰
length 4.8 km
Catchment area 7 km²
Right tributaries Weizenbach
Mouth of the Schneppenbach (in front) into the Westerbach

Mouth of the Schneppenbach (in front) into the Westerbach

The Schneppenbach is a right tributary of the Westerbach , in the district of Aschaffenburg in the Bavarian Spessart .


The name Schneppenbach comes from the old words sneppen and bach , which means fast brook . The brook gave the place Schneppenbach its name.



The Schneppenbach is created between Geiselbach and Hofstädten on Staatsstraße 2306 , through the confluence of two small source streams. One of them rises near the Geiselbach spring area north of the road on the Ziegelberg (380 m). The other arises in a reed meadow. The Schneppenbach flows southeast to Hofstädten, where it takes up the stream from the Strüthgrund . Immediately after the village, the Schneppenbach runs past a war memorial . In Schneppenbach the Weizenbach and the Bach from the Rohrgrund flow to him . On the eastern edge of the village, the Schneppenbach flows into the Westerbach .


Kahl river system



A boundary stone on the Schneppenbach separated the historical areas of the Grand Duchy of Hesse and the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

Between the villages of Höfstädten and Schneppenbach, the Schneppenbach did not always just pass the boundary of the districts. In 1810 it crossed the historical border between two earlier states in the Rhine Confederation . The headwaters of the stream lay in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Hesse , to which the town of Hofstädten in the Alzenau district in the Starkenburg province belonged. The estuary was with the village Schneppenbach in the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt in the department of Aschaffenburg . There are also a number of historical boundary stones on this borderline along the stream.


  • Obermühle
  • Kleinsmühle (Mittelmühle)

See also the list of mills in the Kahlgrund .

See also

Web links

Commons : Schneppenbach (river)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d BayernAtlas of the Bavarian State Government ( notes )
  2. Our Kahlgrund 1980 . Homeland yearbook for the Alzenau district. Published by the working group for homeland research and homeland maintenance of the Alzenau district, district administrator. ISSN  0933-1328 .