Science fiction year 1930

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◄◄1926192719281929Science Fiction Year 1930  | 1931  | 1932  | 1933  | 1934  |  | ►►
Other events

New publications literature

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title author Remarks
Thirty years later - - Hans Dominik
The age of automatons - a prognostic novel - - Ri Tokko
1940 disaster - - Karl Ludwig Kossak
Death over the world - - Theodor Heinrich Mayer
Utopolis - - Werner Illing

New releases films

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title Director Remarks
Just imagine Just imagine David Butler is considered the first science fiction film to be shot as a sound film. It is also considered to be the first science fiction musical.
The Voice from the Sky Ben F. Wilson
Mandrake - - Richard Oswald
The last hour Walter Forde

New publications magazines / fanzines / magazines

  • Astounding , appears to date under partially changing names



See also

Portal: Phantastik  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of fantasy