Sebastian Peschko

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Sebastian Peschko (born October 30, 1909 in Berlin , † September 29, 1987 in Celle ) was a German pianist and accompanist for singers of the 20th century.

Live and act

Sebastian Peschko (1939)
Sebastian Peschko (1975)

Sebastian Peschko was born the son of an organist and private teacher. He studied from 1927 to 1933 at the University of Music (today: University of the Arts ) in Berlin and was supported by a Bechstein grant from 1930. Peschko was a student of Edwin Fischer in the piano subject .

In 1933, Peschko won the Mendelssohn Prize of the Berlin University of Music. Together with the baritone Heinrich Schlusnus he made music from 1934 to 1950 at home and abroad. He was highly valued as a piano partner of important singers. His other musical partners include Theo Altmeyer , Erna Berger , Walter Berry , Rudolf Bockelmann , Grace Bumbry , Franz Crass , Lisa della Casa , Karl Erb , Nicolai Gedda , Agnes Giebel , Ernst Haefliger , Ilse Hollweg , Werner Hollweg , Heinz Hoppe , Christa Ludwig , Maria Müller , Hermann Prey , Ruth-Margret Pütz , Walther Pützstück, Erna Sack , Hanna Schwarz , Franz Völker , Bernd Weikl and Marcel Wittrisch .

Peschko developed the status of the companion early on from the subordinate role to that of an equal artistic partner. He did not add background to the singing, but formed the base on the piano. His large and strong hands were sculptor hands in which the keys became material. The song was created from this material, depending on the location, density and gradient of the sounds and words. Artistically, Peschko was a personality of soft tones and gentle, yet haunting design, a master of nuances. The baritone Thomas Quasthoff was discovered by Peschko. Peschko performed chamber music with the violinist Georg Kulenkampff and the cellists Enrico Mainardi and Hans Adomeit.

From 1953 to 1958 Peschko was responsible for lied, choral and church music at Radio Bremen . Rolf Liebermann , the then head of the main music department at Norddeutscher Rundfunk , set up a newly created “Lied editorial team” for Peschko at the NDR radio station in Hanover. From 1958 Peschko worked there as an editor, producer and pianist. The series Masters of the Song was founded by him. Many well-known singers from the second half of the 20th century performed in this context. The recordings are archived at NDR and are played on NDR Kultur and other ARD channels . During this time he founded his Cantiamo Ensemble with the young interpreters Elke Georg (alto), Gerda Kosbahn (soprano), Heinz Meyen (tenor) and Wolfgang Poser (baritone).

Peschko gave courses in song interpretation in 1971 and 1972 as part of the International Summer Games at the Mozarteum in Salzburg . Peschko set four poems by Christian Morgenstern to music , which the singer Helen Donath and pianist Klaus Donath perform in recitals in public at home and abroad .

In 1974 Sebastian Peschko was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his special artistic merits.

The dancer and choreographer Susanne Linke is a niece of Sebastian Peschko.


  • 1975: Heinrich Schlusnus sings songs by Schubert accompanied by Sebastian Peschko (TELDEC)
  • 1977: Heinrich Schlusnus sings songs by Schumann accompanied by Sebastian Peschko (Deutsche Grammophon)
  • 1994: Lisa della Casa sings songs by Strauss, accompanied by Sebastian Peschko (Sbt)
  • 1999: Heinrich Schlusnus sings songs accompanied by Sebastian Peschko (Preiser)
  • 2002: Erna Berger sings songs accompanied by Sebastian Peschko (Orfeo d'Or)
  • 2002: Lisa della Casa Lieder & Arias, accompanied by Sebastian Peschko (EMI-Electrola)
  • 2004: Grace Bumbry - early recordings (pianist: Sebastian Peschko) (Deutsche Grammophon)

Web links


  • Obituary for death. Ellen Kohlhaas: Cautiousness , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 1987.
  • Obituary on the occasion of the 100th birthday. Reinald Hanke: Piano partner as a master of the quiet tones - natural musical breathing , Cellesche Zeitung of November 3, 2009.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michael Quasthoff: Thomas Quasthoff - Der Bariton, Henschel Verlag, Berlin, 2006, pp. 46–47, ISBN 978-3-89487-545-9 .
  2. .