Sebastiano Rumor

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Sebastiano Rumor (born May 29, 1862 in Vicenza , † June 17, 1929 in Jerusalem ) was an Italian Catholic priest , librarian and historian .


Side facade of the Palazzo Monte di Pietà in Vicenza with the entrance to the former headquarters of the Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana (1892)

Sebastiano Rumor was ordained a priest in 1886 . In 1890 he was appointed deputy director of the Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana , the city library of Vicenza, and was appointed director of this institution in 1925, succeeding Domenico Bortolan (1850–1928).

Rumor wrote numerous publications on the history of his hometown. His bibliography on the history of Vicenza and the surrounding area and his work on the Vicentine authors of the 18th and 19th centuries are of particular importance. Signed with S. Rumor , he wrote entries for the General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present , particularly on artists from Vicenza. He also wrote the bibliographies of the works of two of his friends - the poet Giacomo Zanella, who died in 1888, and the writer Antonio Fogazzaro, who died in 1911 .

Sebastiano Rumor was a member of several associations and institutions in Veneto, such as the Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Venezie , the Municipal Museum of Vicenza , the Accademia Olimpica in Vicenza, the Ateneo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Venice and the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati in Rovereto . From 1899 to 1911 he was a member of the Società bibliografica italiana .

Rumor bequeathed his library to his hometown.

Fonts (selection)

  • Bibliografia della città e provincia di Vicenza. 2 volumes, Tipografia S. Giuseppe, Vicenza 1891–1939.
  • with Domenico Bortolan: La Biblioteca Bertoliana di Vicenza. Vicenza 1892 ( ).
  • Antonio Fogazzaro. La sua vita. Le sue opere, i suoi critici . Casa editrice Galli, Venice 1899 ( - Antonio Fogazzaro. His life. His works and his critics).
  • Il blasone vicentino. Descritto ed illustrato (= Miscellanea di storia veneta 2nd Ser. Volume 5). Deputazione di storia patria per le Venezie, Venice 1899 ( - description and illustration of the Vicentine coat of arms).
  • Pompeo Molmenti : Antonio Fogazzaro, la sua vita e le sue opere . Ulrico Hoepli, Milan 1900 ( - Antonio Fogazzaro. Life and work - with a bibliography on Fogazzaro, written by Sebastiano Rumor in the appendix).
  • La vita e le opere di Fedele Lampertico . Tipografia S. Giuseppe, Venice 1907 ( - Fedele Lampertico's life and work ).
  • Gli scrittori vicentini dei secoli decimottavo e decimonono (= Miscellanea di storia veneta 2nd Ser. Volume 11). 3 volumes, Tipografia Emiliana, Venice 1905–1908 (Volume 1, , Volume 2, , Volume 3 - Vicentine authors of the 18th and 19th centuries).
  • Storia documentata del santuario di Monte Berico . Officina grafica pontificia S. Giuseppe, Vicenza 1911 ( - History of the Church on Monte Berico in Vicenza).
  • The Palazzo della Banca Popolare già dei Conti di Thiene a Vicenza. Note di storia e d'arte . Arti Grafiche Vicentine, Vicenza 1912 ( ).


  • Ermenegildo Reato: Sebastiano Rumor e la “sua” Vicenza Sebastiano Rumor e la “sua” Vicenza. In: Odeo olimpico. 24, 1999/2002, 2005, pp. 29-35
  • Renato Zironda: La “Bibliografia storica” di Sebastiano Rumor e la sua “Biblioteca vicentina”. In: Odeo olimpico. 24, 1999/2002, 2005, pp. 19-27.
  • Enzo Bottasso: Dizionario dei bibliotecari e bibliografi italiani dal XVI al XX secolo. Accademia valdarnese del Poggio, Montevarchi 2009, pp. 395-396 ( ).

Web links


  1. The Vicentine Library is the third largest in Veneto after the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice and the University Library of Padua .
  2. ^ Corresponding member since 1889, full member since 1894.
  3. ^ Corresponding member since 1913: Membership database of the Academy .