Sergei Ossipowitsch Maisel

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Sergei Osipovich Maisel ( Russian Сергей Осипович Майзель ; born December 14 . Jul / 26. December  1882 greg. In St. Petersburg , † 5. July 1955 in Moscow ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Maisel's father was the doctor Ossip (Iosif) Issajewitsch Maisel (1855-1913). Maisel's mother Sofja Jefremowna b. Antik died 10 days after Maisel's birth.

Maisel graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1906. He then worked as a mining engineer at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute . In addition, he taught from 1908 at the Higher Bestushev courses for women in St. Petersburg (until 1918). In 1909 he continued his education at the University of Göttingen . In 1911 he was appointed professor. He had the hereditary rank of an honorary citizen of the city and was a councilor ( VII. Nobility rank ).

After the October Revolution , Maisel continued to work at the Mining Institute. From 1920 he also worked at the Petrograd Optics Institute (GOI) as head of the department for geometric optics .

In 1930 Maisel moved to the All-Russian Electrical Engineering Institute (WEI) in Moscow . In 1938 he received his doctorate in technical sciences . In 1947 he became a member of the CPSU . In 1951 further institutes were founded from the WEI, including the All-Russian Research Institute for Lighting Technology (WNISI) , in which Maisel now worked.

Maisel's main areas of work were light measurement using physically based photometric parameters, the basics of colorimetry and the development of new light sources . He developed a theory of color perception . He proposed an equivalent brightness for the evaluation of low brightness levels , which was included in the IEC / CIE International Lighting Vocabulary of the International Lighting Commission in 1963. With his participation, problems of lighting in particular the Hermitage , the Tretyakov Gallery , the Moscow Metro station Kaganovich , the Kremlin Stars , the Lenin Mausoleum , the Central Academy Theater of the Red Army and the exhibition of the achievements of the national economy were solved. He also participated in the development of lighting concepts for theater performances and concerts . He was with editor of the magazines electricity and lighting technology .

Maisel's eldest son was the composer Boris Maisel . Maisel's youngest son Yevgeny Maisel was a specialist in aerial photography and died in the German-Soviet War in 1944 after a short marriage to Marjana Janowna Spielrein, daughter of the mathematician Jan Nikolajewitsch Spielrein .


Individual evidence

  1. С. О. Майзель. Некролог . In: Светотехника . No. 4 , 1955.
  2. Увековечить память о С. О. Майзеле . In: Светотехника . No. 6 , 1961.
  3. С. О. Майзель. К 100-летию со дня рождения . In: Светотехника . No. 1 , 1983.
  4. Сергей Осипович Майзель (accessed February 8, 2017).
  5. Майзель, Сергей Осипович: Новые источники света . Воен. изд-во, Moscow 1948.