Siegfried Breuer jr.

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Walter Breuer , also Siegfried Breuer jr. (Born July 16, 1930 in Vienna ; † June 8, 2004 ), was an Austrian actor .


Breuer, who was trained at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna, was engaged at the Deutsches Theater Göttingen from 1953 to 1954 . Since 1952 he worked as a film actor.

In contrast to his father Siegfried , who often embodied ice-cold seducers, he was primarily cast as a young lover. He was seen in Die Deutschmeister at the side of the young Romy Schneider . In his own estimation, equipped with a "tinny voice" and a charisma that was anything but amiable, the mime was unable to establish himself in this role. In 1966 he made his last screen appearance in the feature film In Frankfurt The Nights Are Hot, directed by Rolf Olsen . After the end of his film career, he worked as a production assistant at Bayerischer Rundfunk .

His sons Jacques and Pascal also became actors.

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Die Welt Online, June 8, 2004
  2. Pascal Breuer: Pascal Breuer - BR alpha.mp4. April 8, 2012, accessed June 16, 2019 .
  3. ^ Based on an article in Welt Online on June 8, 2004