Siegfried Unverricht

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Siegfried Unverricht (born February 25, 1928 in Dresden ; † February 27, 2018 ) was a German journalist and SED functionary.


Unverricht, son of a xylograph and a cashier , attended elementary and vocational school . He completed a three-year apprenticeship as a chemigrapher in Dresden. In 1952/53 he passed a special Abitur. He attended a technical college for journalism and completed a correspondence course at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig with a degree in journalism (1964). In 1971/72 he attended the party college at the Central Committee of the CPSU in Moscow .

In March 1946, Unverricht joined the KPD , after which he became a member of the SED with the compulsory unification of the SPD and KPD . From 1947 to 1952 he headed the department for information and statistics at the FDGB state board of Saxony , then the office of the secretariat.

After the districts were formed in the GDR in 1952, he attended a party school for three months. He then worked for the organ of the SED district leadership in Dresden Sächsische Zeitung until 1959 as an editorial assistant, auxiliary editor, editor, later as head of the People's Correspondents Department and the Economics department, most recently as deputy editor-in-chief.

From June 1959 he worked for the Ostsee-Zeitung in Rostock as deputy editor-in-chief, and from 1961 to November 1967 as editor-in-chief. From December 1967 to November 1989 he was secretary for agitation and propaganda in the Rostock district leadership of the SED. From 1968 to 1989 Unverricht was also a member of the Rostock District Assembly .

After reunification, Unverricht was a member of the PDS and then the Left Party . He was a member of the Society for the Protection of Civil Rights and Human Dignity. He was honorary chairman of the Hohenfelde / Ivendorf branch of People's Solidarity .


  • (Author collective, Red.): History of the state party organization of the SED Mecklenburg 1945–1952 . District leaders of the SED Neubrandenburg, Rostock, Schwerin 1986.

Awards in the GDR


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Unverricht: Obituary notice . ( [accessed on March 17, 2018]).