Sigismund Andreas Cuno

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Sigismund Andreas Cuno (born April 18, 1675 in Schöningen ; † September 27, 1747 ibid) was a German pedagogue and local researcher .


Sigismund Andreas Cuno was a son of the Schöningen merchant and mayor Johann Heinrich Cuno (1642-1716). After attending school in Schöningen, he and his cousin were taught by a private tutor in Wolfenbüttel in the house of his uncle Sigismund Georg Schöps. From 1686 to 1694 he was a student of the Anna-Sophianeum grammar school in Schöningen and from 1694 to 1697 of the old town grammar school in Magdeburg under the direction of his uncle Anton Werner Cuno (1635-1707). From 1697 to 1701 he studied at the Juleum in Helmstedt.

After graduating, Cuno was first head of a grammar school in Tangermünde in Saxony-Anhalt from 1701 to 1707 . He then returned to his hometown Schöningen in the state of Braunschweig. At the Anna-Sophianeum there, he initially worked as deputy director ("Konrektor") and from 1717 to 1746 as director ("Rector"). After Werner Cuno (1600–1657), Rector of the Aegidienschule in Braunschweig and Anton Werner Cuno (1635–1696) - among others teacher of Georg Philipp Telemann - he was the third rector of his sex. He retired in 1746 for health reasons. His successor was the long-time vice rector Johann Friedrich Nolte .

Cuno married Katharina Elisabeth Goldbeck in 1706 and had four sons and a daughter with her (Johann Theodor I, 1707–1709; Johann Theodor II, 1709–1711; Carl August 1709–1760, pastor in Offleben and brother-in-law of Louise Menken, née Witte , a great-grandmother of Otto von Bismarck ; Johann Friedrich, 1711–1747, rector in Wolfenbüttel and ancestor of Wilhelm Raabe's wife , Bertha Emilie Wilhelmine Leiste; Bernhardine Elisabeth, 1714–1740, married to Professor Peter Gericke , 1683–1750). He was related to Friedrich Eberhard Boysen (1720-1800) through the marriage of his cousin Lucia Louise Cuno . His better-known descendants include Carl Cuno and Hellmuth Cuno .


Cuno's importance is based on his educational and local historical writings. Among other things, he wrote 40 school programs in Braunschweig. Of his works, the Chronicle of Schöningen, the Memorabilia Scheningensia , published in 1728, deserves special mention. The chronicle is divided into subject groups, contains a very extensive source annex and is made accessible through a register. The salt pans and the high school , for example, are dealt with in separate sections .

Cuno is characterized as an “important school man” for the Braunschweig region , whose chronicle was an “impressive early scientific endeavor” to research the local history of Schöningen.

Works (selection)

  • Programma de typographia, munere ipsis vel superis invidendo: quo simul ad acroama valedictorium pariter ac oratorium. Schnorr, 1721.
  • Programma de vulpeculis scholasticis haud incelebribus. 1721.
  • Memorabilia Scheningensia historiae Brunovicensi. Renger, Braunschweig and Leipzig 1728.
  • Schedium et latialium et teutonicarum quarundam declamationum, exstantiora quaedam perversae iuventutis vitia taxantium acroasi scholasticae dicatarum atque apud Scheningenses Anna-Sophianei discipulis recitandarum designans epitomas omnibus rei scholasticae patronis fautoribus. Schnorr, 1735.
  • Historica enarratio, qua suis in Scheningensi Anna-Sophianeo discipulis cum publicas continuaturus praelectiones auditorium denuo esset ingressus admirandam suae admodum periculosae et quod excurrit pedum altitudine factae prolapsionis rationem Schnorr, 1737.


  • Reiner Stephany (Hrsg.): Johannes Cuno: News of the sex and going on of the Cunoen (1505-1685). Gebr. Wilke GmbH, Hamm 2008, ISBN 978-3-931283-62-9 .
  • Reiner Stephany (Hrsg.) Johannes Cuno among others: News of the sex and the going of the Cunoen (1672-1957). Monsenstein and Vannerdat, Münster 2012, ISBN 978-3-86991-554-8 , (books on demand), pp. 157-169.
  • Dieter Lent: Cuno, Sigismund Andreas. In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck , Dieter Lent et al. (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon - 8th to 18th century . Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2006, ISBN 3-937664-46-7 , p. 162 .
  • Johannes Fridericus Nolte: Vitam ac meritam…. (Commemorative letter to Sigismund Andreas Cuno, rector of the high school in Schöningen, † September 27, 1747), Helmstedt 1747.
  • Karl Rose: Home book of the salt city Schöningen. Volume II, Schöningen 1938; Volume IV, Schöningen 1947; Volume VI, Schöningen 1958.
  • Hermann Voges (ed.): The album of the Anna-Sophianeum in Schöningen from 1707-1808. In: Archives for kin research and all related areas. Vol. 12, issue 11, November 1935, pp. 329-380.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Cuno: Message 1505ff., Esp. Pp. 30–35.
  2. ^ A b Dieter Lent: Cuno, Sigismund Andreas. In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck , Dieter Lent et al. (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon - 8th to 18th century . Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2006, ISBN 3-937664-46-7 , p. 162 .
  3. ^ Correction after Johannes Cuno: 1682ff., P. 165.
  4. Karl Rose: Home book of the salt city Schöningen. Volume II. Schöningen 1938; Volume IV. Schöningen 1947; Volume VI, Schöningen 1958 and Friedrich Eberhard Boysen: Own biography. Quedlinburg 1795.
  5. Johannes Cuno: News of the sex and origin of the Cunoen (1672–1957). edited by Reiner Stephany, Münster 2012, pp. 157–169. 435ff.