Felix Hermann Maria Schoeller

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Felix Schoeller

Felix Hermann Maria Schoeller (born March 8, 1855 in Düren , † May 16, 1907 in Osnabrück ) was a German paper manufacturer.

Live and act

The son of the paper manufacturer and councilor Felix Heinrich Schoeller (1821–1893) and Maria Schüll (1824–1895) also completed training as a paper manufacturer, shaped by family tradition. After gaining practical experience in England and Saxony, his father appointed him technical manager for the production of high-quality fine papers in his Felix Schoeller & Bausch paper factory in Neu Kaliss, which he founded in 1873 . However, disagreements with the Bausch family meant that Felix Hermann Maria returned to Düren and took over the straw pulp factory of his father's paper mill Felix Heinrich Schoeller and renamed the pulp factory Hermann Maria Schoeller & Co. Both plants were then converted into an open trading company (OHG) in 1886.

Main plant Felix Schoeller Osnabrück

Since Schoeller, who relied on developing photography at an early age and recognized that a growing market would arise for ( silver salt ) photo paper , but did not find approval in his family, he left the general partnership after the death of his father and made a purchase In 1895 Christian Siegfried Gruner founded the paper mill CS Gruner & Sohn zu Burg Gretesch , since 1972 a district of Osnabrück. He now renamed the company to Felix Schoeller jr. , continued the production of document, drawing and packaging papers of its previous owner and expanded it to include the production of photo base paper after he had acquired a first paper machine for this purpose in 1896 . Economically sensible cooperation with international photo companies such as Defender Photo Supply Co. in Rochester (New York) and Gevaert in Belgium, but also the cooperation with the photo pioneer Raphael Liesegang led to a rapid upswing of his company in the following years. As early as 1906 and after the acquisition of another paper machine, the production of photo paper clearly exceeded that of fine paper.

Company logo

After his untimely death in 1907 at the age of only 52 and since his sons were still partly in training or otherwise committed, his wife Agnes temporarily took over the company and continued to run it successfully in the interests of her husband. Posthumously, Felix Hermann Maria still received the highest award in 1909 for his innovative products at the International Photographic Exhibition in Dresden. After all, his sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who were still active in the company's management until the turn of the millennium, continued to run the company, which today is still represented successfully worldwide as Felix Schoeller Holding GmbH & Co KG through numerous acquisitions and mergers .


Felix Hermann Maria Schoeller with his wife Agnes, b. Bohm

Felix Hermann Maria Schoeller was married to Agnes Boehm (1861-1945), daughter of the Health Council Gustav Böhm, who in 1931 with the honorary doctorate of Dr. med. hc from the University of Göttingen and was the first woman to be made an honorary citizen of the city of Osnabrück. With her he had three sons, all of whom joined the father's company as personally liable partners, and their daughter Magdalena (1900–1975).

The eldest son Felix Heribert Schoeller (1881-1958), married to Adda Hasenclever, took over the Gneven estate near Schwerin in 1925 , which he sold two years later to the Schoeller & Bausch paper mill in Neu-Kaliß, where he has meanwhile been promoted was. After the war and the loss of companies and goods in Mecklenburg he came to Osnabrück and took over the management of the 1921 founded the paper mill Felix Schoeller Junior Schoeller court . This was established to ensure the feeding of the factory workers in the inflation after the First World War.

The second son, Lothar Schoeller (1883–1957), married to Helene Montag (1884–1952), was also elected chairman of the paper manufacturing industry and the third, Gerhard Georg (1886–1970), was appointed honorary senator of the TH Darmstadt .

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