Sigmund Nunberg

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Sigmund Nunberg (born April 26, 1879 in Peiskretscham , Upper Silesia ; died August 2, 1950 in New York City , United States ) was a German actor .


Born in Upper Silesia, he grew up in Breslau . Nunberg came to the theater at the age of 18, and had his first important role in Ludwig Anzengruber's play The Perjury Farmer in 1899 . From then on he went on tour through Silesia with small touring theaters . His theater stations include Ohlau , Breslau, Graudenz , Bromberg , Gera , Cologne and Dresden . When he arrived in Berlin , Max Reinhardt took him to the German Theater . You could also see him at the Volksbühne . His theatrical successes in those years include The Merchant of Venice , the Faust , The Robbers and Rose Bernd . He has also appeared several times in productions by politically left-wing and progressive authors such as Ernst Toller and Alfred Döblin and was also seen in English-language performances. Guest tours have taken Nunberg to Sweden , the Netherlands and Switzerland . Shortly after the seizure of power in spring 1933, his last German stage partners included his colleagues Paul Wegener and Albert Bassermann .

In 1930, the theater actor Nunberg received his only film role: In the judicial drama and Zeitbild Dreyfus he played the president of the jury trial against Émile Zola . From 1933 the Jewish artist only found employment in performances by the Jewish Cultural Association , such as Jettchen Gebert , Much Ado About Nothing and The Post Office . At the beginning of October 1938, Sigmund Nunberg emigrated to the USA with his wife. There he found it difficult to catch up with the theater and took part in one or the other radio program. A US citizen since 1944, Nunberg last earned his living as an employee of a New York bank.


  • Kay Less : "In life, more is taken from you than given ...". Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. ACABUS Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8 , p. 374.
  • Nunberg, Sigmund , in: Frithjof Trapp , Bärbel Schrader, Dieter Wenk, Ingrid Maaß: Handbook of the German-speaking Exile Theater 1933 - 1945. Volume 2. Biographical Lexicon of Theater Artists . Munich: Saur, 1999, ISBN 3-598-11375-7 , p. 706

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