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Sikora (plural: Sikorowie) is one of the oldest Polish family names .


Around 40,000 people in Poland bear the family name Sikora . Outside of Poland, the name occurs frequently in Germany , the Czech Republic , Austria , Holland and the USA .


The oldest known and documented mention of the name is from 1389 . In the Kraków court files a “Piotr Sikora z Krzecuowej Woli h. Lis “( Latin : nobilus Petrus Sicora h. Lis de Krzeczowa Wola ) mentioned. As early as the 14th century , the Sikoras became a large knightly family . The name was mentioned most often in the Sieradz region as well as in Lesser Poland , Greater Poland and Pomerania .

A story of the knight “Maciej Sikora h. Lis ”and his seven sons, who founded the Sikory settlement in Podlasie in 1421 with the permission of the Polish King Władysław II Jagiełło . His descendants inhabited the Podlasie region in large numbers, as well as the Grodno region and the Smolensk region.

All Polish knights and nobles ( Szlachta ) with the name Sikora carried the coat of arms " Lis ".


The name refers to the place Sikor near Szreńsk in the powiat Mławski . The place name is derived from the word sikor, which in Old Polish means the damming of water on a canal, or from the word sikora, which means tit .


Name bearer

See also