Spahn (family)

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" Barracks life in Grafenwöhr "; Card "No. 9 “by Hans Spahn with numerous photo montages

Spahn is the name of a family whose entrepreneurial occupation with photography can be traced back to the early days of photography. The family had his location before the time of the German Empire , first in the Lower Franconian town of Hammelburg where the late 19th century, the military training area Hammelburg for the Bavarian Army was opened, and later followed the call of the Royal Bavarian Army Corps of Grafenwoehr , location , which Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria had ordered in 1908 for the Grafenwöhr military training area and the establishment of the " Grafenwöhr Garrison ".


The story of the family of photographers begins with Michael Spahn , who settled in Hammelburg in 1842 and was the first to deal with the consequences of the invention of the daguerreotype at an early age . But it was not until 1860, after "paper photography" had been invented and instead of unique photos it was now possible to reproduce more cheaply, that Andreas, Michael Spahn's son, acquired a building in Hammelburger Weihertorstrasse , where he opened a photographic studio . After other photographers also worked on site, at least for a time, and the newly established military training area on the site stimulated business in 1895 , Andreas Spahn's son Hans took over the company in 1900 , but sold it to his journeyman Oscar Hepperlin after a few years around 1907 .

" Balloon photo from the Grafenwöhr troop camp ", with the town's water tower in the center of the picture;
Postcard "No. 1 ”by Hans Spahn
water tower built by Wilhelm Kemmler ; Light pressure to the competitor -Ansichtskarte "375" PHB , 1915 as field post sent

About three years later, Hans Spahn "[...] in 1910 by the Royal Bavarian Army Corps to Grafenwoehr [and to the located there under construction Truppenübungsplatz] was called " where the master of photography - as well as of the military active-site executive architect Wilhelm Kemmler - "[...] at that time probably one of the few [...] who owned a camera" and also used it professionally. Many of the photographs of Wilhelm Kemmler were reproduced by Hans Spahn, who, in addition to his studio in Grafenwöhr, now also appeared as a publisher of postcards , some of which also reproduced photographs by the architect Kemmler. Among the postcards, some of which are consecutively numbered by Spahn, is the colored “No. 1 ”as a balloon photo from the military training area at the same time as the early aerial photographs in Germany. However, the water tower built by Wilhelm Kemmler was photographed by a competitor from Spahn, the PHB publishing house as its own postcard under the serial number "375".

In addition to photographs of architecture , Hans Spahn also published motifs depicting human activities, especially the numerous soldiers on site. His picture postcard “No. 9 ”under the title“ Kasernenleben in Grafenwöhr ”probably around a hundred men in uniform, mostly white, who - like in a panopticon - reflect a wide variety of activities carried out by soldiers in an open courtyard. Only on closer inspection do these representations turn out to be a whole collection of artifacts that are finely assembled into the view .

On the finding aids - database of Bavarian State Archives of the change from "Hans Spahn Photographic Art Institute" also postcards and photographs from the time the First World War are found, including shots with prisoners of war , some with the censorship notice "Forbidden", French "at work "Or at a funeral as well as a" Russian Orthodox priest "(see the section on web links ).

Web links

Commons : Hans Spahn (publisher)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e RED: Region // Bad Kissingen / They live on through their pictures / Josef Kirchner has dealt with the history of the photographers in Hammelburg , on the page of the Oberfranken media group in the version of May 28th 2013
  2. a b mor: Grafenwöhr / Landmarks of the city and the military training area / The water tower, the "great old man of the training area" is also 100 years old from June 18, 2010 on the page of the media company Der Neue Tag
  3. Ludwig Hoerner : Daguerreotype and paper photography in competition (1845–1860) , as well as reproduction photography as a basis for business (1860–1914) , in ders .: The photographic trade in Germany 1839–1914 . GFW-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1989, ISBN 3-87258-000-0 , pp. 17-59
  4. Gerald Morgenstern: Grafenwöhr / Glücksfall fürs Museum / Estate of building officer Wilhelm Kemmler documents the history of the training site ( memento of the original from October 13, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , in the version of November 11, 2010 on the page , the online edition of the Oberpfälzer Wochenzeitung (weekly advertising magazine of the publishing house Der neue Tag ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Compare this picture postcard and the publisher's information on the reverse
  6. Compare the picture side and the reverse of PHB card No. 375
  7. Compare No. 9 in high resolution