Stefan Kroll

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Stefan Kroll (born June 27, 1965 in Buxtehude ) is a German historian . He is professor of modern history at the University of Rostock .


After graduating from high school in Buxtehude, Kroll studied history , political science and public law at the University of Hamburg from 1986 to 1992 (MA 1992). In 1995 he was at the Department of History at Kersten Krüger with the dissertation The social structure of the cities Stade and Stralsund in the final stages of Sweden was a superpower (1700-1715) for Dr. phil. PhD.

From 1995 to 2001 he was a research assistant at the Historical Institute of Rostock University . He then received a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG). From 2002 to 2004 he was a project coordinator at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University in Greifswald . In 2004 he completed his habilitation in Rostock with the thesis Electoral Saxon Soldiers in the 18th Century Between Everyday Peace and War Experience. The world and culture of NCOs and "commoners" from 1728 to 1796 , for which he was awarded the Werner Hahlweg Prize for Military History and Defense Sciences (2nd prize) in 2006. He received the Venia legendi for modern history and became a private lecturer. From 2004 to 2011 he was head of the “Multimedia and Data Processing Unit in the Humanities” at the Philosophical Faculty. At the same time he represented the professorship for modern history for a few semesters.

In 2009 he was appointed adjunct professor. Since 2012 he has been head of the department for "Historical Geography and Demography" and managing director of the Center for Multimedia and Data Technology at the Institute for Media Research.

Kroll is u. a. Member of the Historical Commission for Pomerania , the Working Group on the Military and Society in the Early Modern Age , the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History , the Historical Association for Lower Saxony and the Hanseatic History Association . He is the editor of numerous anthologies and has also written articles for the reference work Encyclopedia of Modern Times .

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  • Urban society and war. Social structure, population and economy in Stralsund and Stade 1700 to 1715 (= Göttingen Contributions to Economic and Social History , Volume 18). Schwartz, Göttingen 1997, ISBN 3-509-01708-0 .
  • Soldiers in the 18th century between everyday peace and experience of war. Living worlds and culture in the Electoral Saxon Army 1728–1796 (= War in History , Volume 26). Schöningh, Paderborn u. a. 2006, ISBN 978-3-506-72922-4 .


Kroll is co-editor of the following series of publications: Rostock Studies on Regional History , Little City History , Rostock E-Books on Regional History and Rostock Writings on Regional History . Further editors:

  • ed. with Werner Buchholz : quantity and structure. Festschrift for Kersten Krüger on his 60th birthday . Exchange of documents from the University of Rostock, Rostock 1999, ISBN 3-86009-163-8 .
  • ed. with Kersten Krüger : Military and rural society in the early modern period (= rule and social systems in the early modern period , volume 1). Lit, Münster u. a. 2000, ISBN 3-8258-4758-6 .
  • ed. with Kersten Krüger, Gyula Pápay : City history and historical information systems. The Baltic region in the 17th and 18th centuries. Contributions to the scientific colloquium in Rostock on March 21 and 22, 2002 . Lit, Münster 2003, ISBN 3-8258-7103-7 .
  • ed. with Frank Braun: City system and urbanization in the Baltic Sea region in the early modern period . Volume: Economy, Building Culture and Historical Information Systems. Contributions to the scientific colloquium in Wismar on September 4th and 5th, 2003 (= history, research and science , volume 5). Lit, Berlin a. a. 2004, ISBN 3-8258-7396-X .
  • ed .: Urban system and urbanization in the Baltic Sea region in the early modern period . Volume: Urban habitats and historical information systems. Contributions to the scientific colloquium in Rostock on November 15 and 16, 2004 (= history, research and science , volume 12). Lit, Berlin a. a. 2006, ISBN 3-8258-8778-2 .
  • ed. with Michael Busch, Jens Olesen , Martin Schoebel , Reinhard Zölitz: The Swedish land survey of Pomerania 1692–1709 - Perspectives of an edition project. Contributions from the workshop on October 9th and 10th, 2009 in the Pomeranian State Museum Greifswald (= The Swedish Land Recording of Western Pomerania 1692–1709 , special volume 2). Ludwig, Kiel 2011, ISBN 978-3-86935-050-9 .
  • ed. with Frank Braun: City and Sea in the Baltic Sea Region in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Maritime trade, social structure and house building. represented in historical information systems. Contributions to the scientific colloquium in Stralsund on September 8 and 9, 2005 (= History, Research and Science , Volume 17). Lit, Berlin a. a. 2013, ISBN 978-3-8258-9223-4 .
  • ed. with Michael Busch, Rembrandt D. Scholz: History - Cartography - Demography. Historical-geographical information systems in methodological comparison (= history, research and science , volume 45). Lit, Berlin a. a. 2013, ISBN 978-3-643-12347-3 .

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