Stephen Sommers

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Stephen Sommers (born March 20, 1962 in Indianapolis , Indiana , United States ) is an American director , screenwriter and film producer .


Summer attended St. John's University in Collegeville , Minnesota in the United States and the University of Seville in Spain . After several years in Europe as a stage actor and manager of music groups, he returned to the United States, attended the USC School of Cinema-Television and then wrote his first screenplay.

In the beginning he was involved in various youth films. In 1993 he filmed his own screenplay for The Adventures of Huck Finn , then wrote the script for Tom and Huck . In between there was a film adaptation of another book for young people, The Jungle Book . He produced a television version of Oliver Twist with Elijah Wood and Richard Dreyfuss . With Octalus - Death from the Deep (1998) he then switched to the horror subject. The Mummy (1999) was the remake of a Boris Karloff classic from 1932.

After the sequel The Mummy Returns three years later, he took up the character of the Scorpion King introduced there in a spin-off called The Scorpion King . However, he let Chuck Russell direct it. After he took on one of the horror characters from Universal Pictures in the form of the mummy , Sommers immediately had a number of them compete against Van Helsing . He is slated to direct the comic book adaptation Flash Gordon . He often collaborated with the film editor Bob Ducsay on his films .

Sommers has been married to Jana Sommers since 1993 and has two children.


Script and direction



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