Patrol duty

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The patrol service ("patrol") is the task-independent, professionally motivated inspection, driving over and overflying an assigned protection area by security forces in order to fulfill a (general) assignment.

The patrol duty is the main task of the security police . It is intended to ward off dangers and prevent criminal acts . The main task is to deal with individual duty situations , e.g. B. by police operations .

Strip services are also by soldiers , security Wachten that subway station , the regulatory agency , security services , the plant protection , lifeguard and lifeguard performed. In forest areas, foresters and hunters of the public service work, in mountain regions the German nature protection watch or the Austrian mountain and nature watch .

In large parts of Germany, a "mixed patrol" is a patrol that consists of male and female officers.


Purpose of patrol are

  • the perception
    • abnormal conditions of things (for example fire , obstacles, abandoned objects) or people (for example suspicious perceptions or helpless people),
    • abnormal acts (for example, criminal offenses or disturbance of public safety and order );
  • public presence , for example with the police with the aim of
    • to prevent potential offenders from committing acts,
    • to increase the population's subjective feeling of security and
    • to be available for information and assistance to the population.


The police patrol duty is carried out with uniformed and civilian forces. This can be done in a patrol car (civilian / uniformed), on foot , on horseback , by bicycle , in a patrol boat , police helicopter , etc. The motorized patrol ("Motstreife") is most common among the police.

Three-man patrol of the Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (France)

A patrol can take place alone or in groups (up to the train or group strength), the most common form of patrols in pairs. Sometimes patrolmen are accompanied by dogs. A patrol leader can be appointed if there are more than one person . Most of the strips are equipped with a means of communication ( radios or mobile phones ). Foot strips on roads should run against the direction of travel so that oncoming vehicles can be stopped and the vehicle drivers can be seen from the front.

Some security guards have to perform special patrol assignments (e.g. supervising smaller events) and may be required to report to their superiors.

Since the 20th century it has also been possible to “go on patrol” virtually through video surveillance in public spaces.

Law enforcement officers on foot patrol to go in a few countries in lockstep , but not in Europe .

See also

Web links

Commons : Patrol duty  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Patrol duty  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations