Strike Back / Episode List

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This episode list contains all episodes of the British war series Strike Back , sorted by the British or US first broadcast . Between 2010 and 2018, 66 episodes were created in seven seasons, each around 44 minutes in length.


Season Number of episodes First broadcast UK / US German-language first broadcast
Season premiere Season finale Season premiere Season finale
1 6th May 5, 2010 (UK) May 19, 2010 (UK) January 26, 2011 January 29, 2011
2 10 August 12, 2011 (US) October 21, 2011 (US) December 9, 2011 February 10, 2012
3 10 August 17, 2012 (US) October 12, 2012 (US) December 14, 2012 February 8, 2013
4th 10 August 9, 2013 (US) October 18, 2013 (US) December 13, 2013 February 7, 2014
5 10 June 3, 2015 (UK) July 29, 2015 (UK) December 7, 2015 February 8, 2016
6th 10 October 31, 2017 (UK) February 28, 2018 (UK) October 8, 2018 3rd December 2018
7th 10 January 25, 2019 (US) March 29, 2019 (US)

Season 1: Chris Ryan's Strike Back

The first broadcast of the first season was from 5 to 19 May 2010 on the British television channel Sky1 . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by RTL II from January 26 to 29, 2011 in double episodes.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
1 1 Strike Back (1) Episode 1 May 5, 2010 Jan. 26, 2011 Daniel Percival Jed Mercurio
On March 18, 2003, British soldiers on a ship of the British Navy prepare for their mission to rescue Kenneth Bratton, the division manager of a British defense company , who was kidnapped two weeks ago in Baghdad . Your mission is successful insofar as the kidnapped man can be freed and flown out by helicopter. However, during the release of the hostage, the commanding officer John Porter and another soldier were injured, while S. Sgt. M. Reilly and Sgt. KT Finn were fatally wounded in the stairwell of the apartment building. Since Porter had previously defused the explosive vest of the young Iraqi named As'ad at the point where the two killed soldiers were found, but did not kill him, it is assumed that As'ad shot the British soldiers. As a result, Porter is advised on his return to England to be assigned a job in the office and to retire from active duty. Porter then quits his duty and finds a new job at MI6 as a security guard. Seven years later, Porter accidentally learns at MI6 that British journalist Katie Dartmouth was kidnapped in Iraq near Basra by a group that calls itself "The Sword of Islam". Her father was once an influential minister who advocated the British army's involvement in the Iraq war . Major Hugh Collinson, a former Porter team member, now heads the MI6 department responsible for the rescue of the kidnapped journalist. Porter asks him that he recognized As'ad as one of the alleged kidnappers in the photo on the journalist's cell phone and asks him to be sent to Iraq to rescue the journalist and the mistake he made seven years earlier to make amends. Collinson agrees and sends him into action as a further option alongside the official team. The British armed forces team of four is ambushed by an explosives trap.

2 2 Strike Back (2) Episode 2 May 5, 2010 Jan. 26, 2011 Daniel Percival Jed Mercurio
John Porter again enters the apartment building that had been the target of the operation seven years earlier. There he brings one of the hostage takers into his power. Porter forces the overwhelmed hostage taker to take him to the journalist's whereabouts. Meanwhile, the hostage-takers sever the journalist's left hand in a video message transmitted over the Internet because her father offered a sum of money to release his daughter without a ransom demand. Instead of asking for a ransom, the hostage-takers are demanding the release of an imprisoned fellow combatant from the British maximum security prison in Belmarsh .

After being captured by the hostage-takers himself, Porter succeeds in freeing the journalist. When meeting As'ad it turns out that he did not kill the soldiers, but had to watch as the current chief of operations, Collinson, did it himself. Collinson radioed the crew of the helicopter that was taking Porter and the journalist out of the country to accept As'ad. Porter then has to leave him on the ground, where he is pursued by his brothers in arms. Before that, As'ad revealed his secret about the fatal shots at the British soldiers to journalist Katie.
3 3 Strike Back - The Mission (1) Episode 3 May 12, 2010 Jan. 28, 2011 Daniel Percival Jed Mercurio & Alan Whiting
In Harare , the capital of Zimbabwe , Felix Masuku, a former Special Air Service soldier, shoots a double of the President of Zimbabwe, believing he has President Robert Mugabe himself in front of the muzzle of his sniper rifle. His two co-conspirators die in the hail of bullets from the approaching soldiers. Masuku is captured and detained in a maximum security prison.

Since Masuku grew up with an aunt in London and was a former soldier in the British armed forces, rumors spread in the media that the attack was planned by the British government. Therefore, John Porter is sent by Hugh Collinson to Zimbabwe to free Masuku from prison and then to kill him so that he cannot incriminate the British government with his testimony in the three months' trial. For this purpose, Porter is smuggled into Zimbabwe as an illegally operating blood diamond dealer under the name John Dean . When they arrived in Harare, the Zimbabwean police received a tip from the South African government on behalf of England to arrest Porter. This is picked up by the police and taken to the same prison as Masuku.

Layla Thompson, one of Porter's colleagues who also works for MI6 , poses in prison as an envoy for the South African government demanding that Porter be extradited to South Africa . In conversation with Porter, she gives him the crucial information on how to escape with Masuku. At the same time she informs him that Masuku's legal proceedings have been accelerated by two months and that Masuku's transfer from prison is imminent.

Meanwhile, Colonel Tshuma receives a tip from a British contact who works for the South African government that Layla Thompson is operating under a false identity. Nevertheless, Porter and Masuku manage to break out of the maximum security prison. Outside the city, the two fugitives leave their getaway car. Porter recalls the content of his mission, which is to kill Masuku. In the face of death, Masuku announced that he had been recruited by British intelligence to kill President Robert Mugabe, but was linked. Porter believes him and sets off with Masuku to the South African border so that he is given the opportunity to make a statement.
4th 4th Strike Back - The Mission (2) Episode 4 May 12, 2010 Jan. 28, 2011 Daniel Percival Jed Mercurio & Alan Whiting
Colonel Tshuma and his men and a track-reading Bushman hunt porters and masuku. Taken under fire by the soldiers, the two refugees at a ravine can only save themselves by jumping into a river that brings them to a mission station. There they witness how the school class of the missionary Leyla, which consists mainly of AIDS orphans , is harassed by armed gangsters, so-called tsotsis. One of the gangsters dragged one of the girls into a hut, whereupon Masuku rushed to her aid to prevent the impending rape . Porter reluctantly gives him fire protection, the two kill the three fighters, but Masuku is shot. This makes it clear to Porter that he will not continue his escape to South Africa without the school class. Leyla points out to the two men that two of the children are held hostage by the tsotsis in the village a few kilometers away. Porter then sets out to free the two children, while Masuku remains behind due to his injury in the mission station and takes care of the school class. During the rescue operation, Porter is also shot, but can keep the two children and bring them back to the mission station. There Porter and Masuku hide from the approaching soldiers of Colonel Tshuma.

Meanwhile, Hugh Collinson succeeds in unmasking the mole within his own ranks, who sold the information required for the Masuku attack for a total of 6 million US dollars from the British embassy in South Africa . When Collinson then decides to travel to South Africa to confront the public servant with his allegations of treason, the latter commits suicide . From the documents that Collinson finds in the traitor's house, he recognizes the explosiveness of the situation and asks the South African military for support. This rushes to the aid of Porter and Masuku and drives the attacking soldiers to flight. During the exchange of fire, Masuku manages to escape, while Tshuma, who shoots Collinson, is killed by Porter. While still in Africa

, Porter found out via satellite telephone connection from his daughter that his wife, who was now separated from him and had been operated on for a tumor, died as part of the medical procedure.
5 5 Strike Back - Day of Vengeance (1) Episode 5 May 19, 2010 Jan. 29, 2011 Edward Hall Robert Murphy
The software engineer for remote missile Gerald Baxter was once in the service of the British forces, but was after the accidental bombing of a village near Samara declared unfit for active service after being blamed for the failure of the weapons used and subsequently under a post-traumatic stress disorder suffered. The CIA, on the other hand, recruited him despite knowledge of his mental state and sent him to Afghanistan .

When Baxter, who has since taken the name Yusuf Mohammed, succeeds in reprogramming an air-to- surface missile fired by a British fighter in the Afghan province of Helmand , so that it misses its target by 600 m and is in a force of 22 US American Marines , the American military attaché Frank Arlington approaches MI6 in London . He would like the British government to officially acknowledge responsibility for the deaths of the US soldiers, publicly apologize to the families and pay them generously. Hugh Collinson, Head of Department, does not agree with this suggestion. However, he reveals to Arlington that he has meanwhile sent John Porter to Afghanistan, who pretends to be an arms dealer , in order to locate Baxter and bring him back to England. Thereupon the US-American armed forces also go in search of Porter and Baxter and take them both into custody. Although Porter reveals his true identity as a British soldier, the Marines are ordered to kill both men. Porter and Baxter manage to escape from American captivity. Baxter then confesses that he used to work for the CIA but has since joined Zahir Sharq, the increasingly influential Taliban rebel leader , after discovering that the US government is trying to kill him. Baxter responds to Porter's request to bring him to Sharq in Pakistan . When the two British arrive at Sharq's fortress, however, he reveals Porter's true identity to the rebel leader, whereupon Porter is arrested by Sharq's followers. However, after Baxter is able to record a video call between Sharq and Arlington, in which Arlington promises to provide the Afghan with weapons and information if Sharq is ready to kill Porter and Baxter, he helps Porter to overpower the Afghan rebels and out to flee the fortress.

6th 6th Strike Back - Day of Vengeance (2) Episode 6 May 19, 2010 Jan. 29, 2011 Edward Hall Robert Murphy
Porter is able to convince Baxter to come back to England with him to put his testimony on the American soldiers killed in Helmand on record, to start a new life and to reconnect with his family living in the USA. A phone call negotiated with Collinson to guarantee Baxter impunity and protection for his family. In order to be picked up by a British evacuation squad, however, the two men first have to cross the border into Afghanistan from Pakistan. At the agreed meeting point, which Arlington learned from Collinson, Baxter is killed in an ambush by one of Sharq's men, as previously agreed between Arlington and Sharq. According to this agreement, Porter should have been killed as well, but the latter can kill the attacker.

Seven years earlier, a soldier was shot while on a mission under Porter's command in Baghdad and has been in a coma ever since. Since this soldier dies despite attempts to resuscitate the doctors, the projectile can now be removed from his skull and subjected to a ballistic examination , which Leyla orders in London.

It turns out that Collinson was the shooter of the fatal shots back then. Leyla confronts Collinson with her newfound knowledge. He decides to travel to Afghanistan to kill Porter on the spot, but Leyla can warn him by phone. At the end of the fight between Collinson and Porter, Collinson tearfully states that he was under enormous tension during the mission at the time and that he fired the shots reflexively without realizing that it was his own comrades. Porter forgives him. After this confession, the two British are attacked by fighters of the Taliban. Collinson is fatally wounded, while Porter manages to reach the armed and armored Land Rover with which he manages to escape. While driving the car through the Afghan wastelands, a Delta Force team is given the go-ahead to eliminate Porter, who is believed to be moving towards Iran .

Season 2: Project Dawn

The first broadcast of the second season took place from August 12 to October 21, 2011 on the British television channel Sky1 . The German-language premiere was broadcast on the FOX Channel between December 9, 2011 and February 10, 2012.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
7th 1 Deadly Command (1) Episode 1 Aug 21, 2011 Dec 9, 2011 Daniel Percival Frank Spotnitz
8th 2 Deadly Command (2) Episode 2 28 Aug 2011 Dec 16, 2011 Daniel Percival Frank Spotnitz
9 3 Business with death (1) Episode 3 4th Sep 2011 23 Dec 2011 Bill Eagles Frank Spotnitz
10 4th Business with death (2) Episode 4 Sep 11 2011 Dec 30, 2011 Bill Eagles Frank Spotnitz
11 5 The Killer Militia (1) Episode 5 Sep 18 2011 Jan. 6, 2012 Alex Holmes Richard Zajdlic
12 6th The Killer Militia (2) Episode 6 25 Sep 2011 Jan. 13, 2012 Alex Holmes Richard Zajdlic
13 7th Brutal Game (1) Episode 7 Oct 2, 2011 Jan. 20, 2012 Paul Wilmhurst Simon Burke
14th 8th Brutal Game (2) Episode 8 Oct 9, 2011 Jan. 27, 2012 Paul Wilmhurst Simon Burke
15th 9 Assault (1) Episode 9 Oct 16, 2011 Feb 3, 2012 Daniel Percival Tony Saint
16 10 Assault (2) Episode 10 Oct 23, 2011 Feb 10, 2012 Daniel Percival Tony Saint

Season 3: Vengeance

The first broadcast of the third season was from August 17 to October 12, 2012 on the British television channel Sky1 . The German-language first broadcast took place from December 14, 2012 to February 8, 2013 on the FOX Channel .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
17th 1 The defector Episode 1 Sep 2 2012 Dec 14, 2012 Bill Eagles Tony Saint
18th 2 Locked in Episode 2 Sep 9 2012 Dec 21, 2012 Bill Eagles Tony Saint
19th 3 Hunter and hunted Episode 3 16 Sep 2012 Dec 28, 2012 Paul Wilmshurst James Dormer
20th 4th The brother Episode 4 23 Sep 2012 Jan. 4, 2013 Paul Wilmshurst James Dormer
21st 5 No choice Episode 5 Sep 30 2012 Jan. 11, 2013 Julian Holmes Richard Zajdlic
22nd 6th On the run Episode 6 Oct 7, 2012 Jan. 18, 2013 Julian Holmes Richard Zajdlic
23 7th The assassination Episode 7 Oct 14, 2012 Jan. 25, 2013 Michael J. Bassett John Simpson
24 8th The promise Episode 8 Oct 21, 2012 Feb. 1, 2013 Michael J. Bassett John Simpson
25th 9 Wrong tracks Episode 9 Oct 28, 2012 Feb 8, 2013 Bill Eagles Tony Saint
26th 10 Against the time Episode 10 Nov 4, 2012 Feb 8, 2013 Bill Eagles Tony Saint

Season 4: Shadow Warfare

The first broadcast of the fourth season was from August 9 to October 18, 2013 on the British television channel Sky1 . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the FOX Channel from December 13, 2013 to February 7, 2014.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
27 1 Kamali Episode 1 Oct 28, 2013 Dec 13, 2013 Michael J. Bassett Simon Burke, Tim Vaughan & Michael J. Bassett
28 2 Man with no past Episode 2 Nov 4, 2013 Dec 20, 2013 Michael J. Bassett Simon Burke, Tim Vaughan & Michael J. Bassett
29 3 Chilled Episode 3 Nov 11, 2013 Dec. 27, 2013 Julian Holmes James Dormer
30th 4th The trap Episode 4 Nov 18, 2013 Jan. 3, 2014 Julian Holmes James Dormer
31 5 The price of freedom Episode 5 Nov 25, 2013 Jan. 10, 2014 Paul Wilmshurst John Simpson
32 6th The attack Episode 6 Dec 2, 2013 Jan. 17, 2014 Paul Wilmshurst John Simpson
33 7th Pushkin Episode 7 Dec 9, 2013 Jan. 24, 2014 Stephen Woolfenden Simon Burke & Ben Newman
34 8th The killer virus Episode 8 Dec 16, 2013 Jan. 31, 2014 Stephen Woolfenden Michael J. Bassett & Tim Vaughan
35 9 step by step Episode 9 23 Dec 2013 Feb. 7, 2014 Michael J. Bassett Richard Zajdlic
36 10 At the end of time Episode 10 Dec 30, 2013 Feb. 7, 2014 Michael J. Bassett Richard Zajdlic

Season 5: Legacy

The fifth season premiered in the UK on June 3 and ended on Sky1 on July 29, 2015 . In the US, the season ran from July 31, 2015 to October 9, 2015 on Cinemax . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the FOX Channel from December 7, 2015 to February 8, 2016.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
37 1 Chloe Episode 1 3rd June 2015 Dec 7, 2015 Michael J. Bassett Michael J. Bassett, Tim Vaughan & James Dormer
38 2 Office 39 Episode 2 June 10, 2015 Dec 14, 2015 Michael J. Basset Michael J. Bassett, Tim Vaughan & James Dormer
39 3 The Syndicate Episode 3 17th June 2015 Dec 21, 2015 Julian Holmes James Dormer
40 4th The mercenaries Episode 4 June 24, 2015 Dec 28, 2015 Julian Holmes James Dormer
41 5 Beyond the border Episode 5 July 1, 2015 Jan. 4, 2016 Brendan Maher Jack Lothian
42 6th Undercover Episode 6 July 8, 2015 Jan. 11, 2016 Brendan Maher Jack Lothian
43 7th Oppenheimer Episode 7 15th July 2015 Jan. 18, 2016 Michael J. Bassett Richard Zajdlic & Ed Whitmore
44 8th The bomb Episode 8 July 22, 2015 Jan. 25, 2016 Michael J. Bassett Ed Whitmore & Jack Lothian
45 9 The last job Episode 9 July 29, 2015 Feb. 1, 2016 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian
46 10 Billed Episode 10 July 29, 2015 Feb 8, 2016 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian

Season 6: Retribution

The sixth season premiered in the UK on October 31, 2017 and ended on February 28, 2018 on Sky1 . In the US, the season ran from February 2 to April 6, 2018 on Cinemax . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the station FOX from October 8 to December 3, 2018.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
47 1 The hunt is on Episode 1 Oct. 31, 2017 Oct 8, 2018 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian
48 2 Heavy guns Episode 2 Nov 7, 2017 Oct 15, 2018 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian
49 3 Naked violence Episode 3 Nov 14, 2017 Oct. 22, 2018 Brendan Maher Jack Lothian, James Payne, Steve Bailie
50 4th The expert Episode 4 Nov 21, 2017 Oct 29, 2018 Brendan Maher Jack Lothian, James Payne, Steve Bailie
51 5 Dance of death Episode 5 Nov 28, 2017 Nov 5, 2018 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian
52 6th A pointless death Episode 6 Jan. 31, 2018 Nov 12, 2018 Debs Paterson Jack Lothian
53 7th A web of lies Episode 7 7th Feb 2018 19 Nov 2018 Bill Eagles Jack Lothian & Simon Allen
54 8th Treason Episode 8 Feb. 14, 2018 Nov 26, 2018 Bill Eagles Jack Lothian & Simon Allen
55 9 Double game Episode 9 Feb 21, 2018 3 Dec 2018 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian
56 10 Against the wall Episode 10 28 Feb 2018 3 Dec 2018 Michael J. Bassett Jack Lothian

Season 7: Revolution (Silent War)

The first broadcast of the seventh season ran from January 25, 2019 to March 29, 2019 on Cinemax . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the station FOX from October 7 to December 2, 2019.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in UK German language first broadcast (D) Director script
57 1 Kingfisher   Episode 1 Jan. 25, 2019 Oct 7, 2019 Bill Eagles Jack Lothian
58 2 Your father, the killer   Episode 2 Feb. 1, 2019 Oct 14, 2019 Bill Eagles Jack Lothian
59 3 Power games   Episode 3 Feb. 8, 2019 Oct 21, 2019 Paul Wilmshurst Jack Lothian
60 4th Shadow of death   Episode 4 Feb 15, 2019 Oct 28, 2019 Paul Wilmshurst Jack Lothian
61 5 In the golden triangle   Episode 5 Feb 22, 2019 Nov 4, 2019 Steve Shill Jack Lothian
62 6th green Hell   Episode 6 1st March 2019 Nov 11, 2019 Steve Shill Jack Lothian
63 7th The wolf   Episode 7 March 8, 2019 Nov 18, 2019 Mark Everest Jack Lothian & Chris Cornwell
64 8th Welcome to Moscow   Episode 8 15th March 2019 Nov 25, 2019 Mark Everest Jack Lothian
65 9 Collision course   Episode 9 March 22, 2019 Dec 2, 2019 Bill Eagles Jack Lothian
66 10 The unknown enemy   Episode 10 29th March 2019 Dec 2, 2019 Bill Eagles Jack Lothian

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Strike Back: Season 1 . In: . Retrieved December 7, 2016.
  2. Jump up ↑ Strike Back: Season 2 . In: . Retrieved January 13, 2014.
  3. Strike Back: Season 3 . In: . Retrieved January 13, 2014.
  4. Jump up ↑ Strike Back: Season 4 . In: . Retrieved January 13, 2014.
  5. Strike Back: Season 5 . In: . Retrieved December 7, 2016.
  6. ^ Strike Back: Season 6 . In: . Retrieved December 8, 2018.
  7. Strike Back: Season 7 . In: . Retrieved November 30, 2019.