Susanne Ehmcke

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Susanne Ehmcke , also Susanne Bloch-Ehmcke (born August 3, 1906 in Düsseldorf , † September 2, 1982 in Munich ) was a German children's book illustrator and writer. She is considered a pioneer of the well-designed picture book .

Live and act

She was the first of two children of the typographer Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke and his wife, the painter, commercial artist and textile artist Clara Möller-Coburg . She spent the first years of her life in the city of her birth. In 1913 the Ehmcke family moved to Pasing . There her father received a lectureship at the Königliche Kunstgewerbeschule , under the direction of Richard Riemerschmid . After attending secondary school for girls, she studied with her father, Emil Preetorius and Josef Hillerbrand . Study visits took Ehmcke to Zurich and Vienna .

From around the mid-1920s, the young artist designed especially coloring and activity books in the New Objectivity style . Pictures and texts for picture / children's books soon followed:

The first books with their pictures and rhymes were published by Herbert Stuffer in Berlin in 1933/34, 'Zirkus' and 'Bill und Bällchen'. Her further professional development as an author and illustrator was interrupted by the National Socialist rule. Due to a judgment as 'of Jewish origin and politically completely unreliable' by the Gauleitung Munich-Upper Bavaria she was refused membership in the Reich Chamber of Culture until 1939 .

In 1941 Ehmcke's first youth novel Die Zauberkiste appeared and in 1943 the picture book Vogelbart , which was re-edited in 1965. Bettina Hürlimann writes about the picture book:

It ... was printed on yellowish paper in the middle of the war, stapled with wire and looks like a cinderella in the circle of today's glossy lacquered books. God knows, 'Vogelbart' is not a cinderella, but a wonderful old man in the forest, in whose beard birds nest and who can tell the most splendid stories in verses that every child quickly knows by heart ... These stories are full of exuberance, yes full bizarre ideas, but also full of delicacy and poetry: distant sounds from fairy tales and forest romance resonate as I have not heard them in any German children's book since .

The artist had created her children's picture books, published between 1945 and 1950, since the late 1930s. She illustrated in a completely new way. B. The little dictionary of images , in French, English and German, which was reviewed as follows:

The lexicon is arranged according to areas that each occupy a book page, e.g. For example, the forest, the road, sport, the earth, etc. For each of these areas the children will find a larger picture on which everything that belongs to it can be seen, as well as small individual drawings that are named in three languages. It seems to us to be a deficiency that no information is given about the pronunciation of the foreign words .

Ehmcke's last children's book was published by Artemis Verlag in 1970: A chain for Lauri . It is her only work in which she limited herself to the text, while Heiri Steiner created the illustration.

The artist was married to Kurt Bloch since 1947. The marriage produced a daughter.


  • Maria Wachendorf: Book Review, in: Children's Home 1949, p. 142
  • Bettina Hürlimann : The world in a picture book. Modern children's picture books from 24 countries, Zurich 1965
  • Gerlinde Rabenstein: Ehmcke, Susanne, in: Klaus Doderer : Lexicon of children's and youth literature. First volume: A – H. Weinheim / Basel 1975, pp. 337–338
  • Bettina Hürlimann: European children's books in three centuries, Gütersloh 1976
  • Jutta Assel: Susanne Ehmcke. Children's books from five decades. Exhibition catalog of the International Youth Library, Munich 1981
  • Sabine Bloch: Pictures and rhymes - Susanne Ehmcke as author and illustrator, in: Maria Linsmann (Ed.): Reim und Bild. The author and illustrator Susanne Ehmcke, Troisdorf 2010, pp. 13–20
  • Sabine Bloch: Catalog raisonné. Susanne Ehmcke, in: Maria Linsmann (Ed.): Reim und Bild. The author and illustrator Susanne Ehmcke, Troisdorf 2010, pp. 47–96
  • Manfred Berger : Susanne Ehmcke, in: Kurt Franz / Günter Lange / Franz-Josef Payrhuber (eds.): Children's and youth literature - A lexicon - 47th edition, Meitingen 2012, pp. 1-24

Works (selection)

  • Bill and Balls 1934
  • Vogelbart 1943
  • Magic box 1941
  • Songs from the snail shell 1944
  • Gaukel fairy tale 1946
  • The little picture lexicon 1949
  • The three balloons 1949
  • The little red car in 1949
  • Anne Mone 1950
  • Colorful stuff 1951
  • Four new puppet plays in 1957
  • The Reimallein 1950
  • Kasperl and the Magician 1966
  • A necklace for Lauri in 1970


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hürlimann 1965, p. 201
  2. On the occasion of Clara Möller-Coburg's 100th birthday, Susanne Ehmcke published the picture book Liebe alte Kinderstube , Munich: Betz Verlag, designed by her mother for her and her younger brother in 1969
  3. Bloch 2010, p. 10
  4. Hürlimann 1976, p. 227 f
  5. Wachendorf 1949, p. 142
  6. Bloch 2010, p. 11
  7. cf. the meticulously compiled catalog raisonné by Sabine Bloch 2010, p. 47 ff.