Susanne Preusker

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Susanne Preusker (born December 11, 1959 in Hildesheim ; † February 13, 2018 in Magdeburg ) was a German psychologist and author .


School days, studies, work as a psychologist

Susanne Preusker grew up in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony , and attended the Himmelsthür grammar school there. She then completed a degree in human sciences at the University of Osnabrück .

After graduating, she initially worked in a psychiatric clinic in Bad Salzuflen in North Rhine-Westphalia . Then Preusker worked as a psychologist and also as a psychotherapist in various penal institutions (JVAs) in several federal states. Her professional stations were the Lower Saxony JVA Celle , the social therapeutic department for women in the former women's prison in Alfeld (Leine) in Lower Saxony, the JVA Hanover in the Lower Saxony state capital, the JVA Bützow in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and most recently the JVA Straubing in Bavaria .

In the Straubing JVA, Bavaria's maximum security prison , Preusker had been working since 2004. She conceived and headed the social therapy department for male sex offenders until 2009 and therefore worked with violent offenders in particular . More than 20 prisoners were housed in the program.

Victim of a crime in prison

As part of her work, she was held hostage in the Straubing JVA on April 7, 2009 in her office by a convicted female murderer for seven hours and raped several times . Until then, she had treated the man with social therapy for four years. He had been sentenced to life imprisonment several times for rape as well as for a sex murder, and during his pre-trial detention in 1984 he - together with another prisoner - had taken a correctional officer hostage.

After this act, the controls and security measures in the correctional facility were tightened.


Preusker was then no longer able to work in prison, and the former government director received a pension after the act of violence. She lived in Magdeburg until her death.

The act took place ten days before Susanne Preusker's wedding. She processed the suffering she had suffered in the book Seven Hours in April .

The perpetrator was sentenced in May 2010 to another 13 years and nine months imprisonment. In addition, his placement in preventive detention was ordered. In the aftermath of the offense, Preusker was critical of the release of criminals from preventive detention.

Later life, freelance writer

After seven hours in April , Preusker turned his book When happiness wags its tail to the therapeutic effect of keeping and training dogs. In 2012 her first crime novel Die Verwahrten was published , and in 2014 her second with the title Die Satten . In 2015 the guide for dogs , written by Preusker and illustrated by Sandra Bilkenroth, was published : And now the sofa is yours! In 2017 Preusker's sixth book I just keep writing to you - SMS a farewell was published.

Susanne Preusker died of suicide in 2018 at the age of 58 . She was married to Wolfram Preusker for the second time since 2009. She had a son from her first marriage.


public perception


  • 2010: Night Café: Shackles of the Past (SWR)
  • 2011: Markus Lanz (ZDF)
  • 2011: MDR at twelve (MDR)
  • 2011: Mona Lisa (ZDF)
  • 2012: People up close: Seven hours of fear of death (WDR)
  • 2012: Beckmann: The nature of evil - can everyone become a murderer?
  • 2013: Talk (WDR): A society in the stress of happiness - is less more?
  • 2014: Der Hundeprofi - Der Hundeprofi on the go (VOX): My new life with dogs
  • 2018: seven hours ; Based on Preusker's book Seven Hours in April , the television film Seven Hours was made under the direction of Christian Görlitz and first broadcast on September 7, 2018 by ARTE .


  • 2011: People: The new Susanne (SWR)
  • 2012: The Talk (NDR Info): Nominated for the German Radio Prize 2012 in the "Best Interview" category
  • 2013: Letter to the perpetrator - minutes of a hostage-taking (Deutschlandfunk)
  • 2017: Against violence - a radio series in three parts (WDR 5, Tiefenblick), Part 1: Once a victim, always a victim?

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vita. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on June 30, 2016 ; accessed on July 1, 2018 (website of Susanne Preusker on Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b Susanne Preusker: Never let them go! In: Focus, May 16, 2011.
  3. ^ Gisela Friedrichsen : Criminal Justice: Seven hours of fear of death . In: Der Spiegel 09/2010, March 1, 2010, pp. 36–37; accessed on February 16, 2018.
  4. Holger Sabinsky-Wolf: Rapist therapist writes book: A new life . In: Augsburger Allgemeine , November 12, 2011, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  5. ^ JVA Straubing: hostage taker raped therapist . In: stern .de, April 8, 2009, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  6. Seven hours in April . On:, November 13, 2011, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  7. Heike Vowinkel: Taking hostages JVA Straubing: raped - how a psychologist became a victim . From: , September 13, 2011, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  8. Ambros Waibel: Slow approach to life . From: , October 10, 2011, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  9. Julia Schaaf: Prison Therapist: I did not choose this life . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , September 13, 2011, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  10. Max Hägler: Coming to terms with a night of horror . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , November 23, 2010, accessed on February 16, 2018.
  11. ↑ Obituary notice . Accessed February 16, 2018.
  12. Susanne Preusker commits suicide ,, February 17, 2018
  13. Susanne Preusker is dead. On:, article from July 1, 2012, accessed on April 22, 2018.
  14. Excerpt from Seven Hours in April , with interview (PDF).
  15. Program information and guest list for the show , on:, from October 1, 2010
  16. Summary of the television appearance , on:, from September 17, 2011
  17. walodieo75: 20111015 - ZDF.ML mona lisa_'I've lost my carefree '. April 29, 2013. Retrieved February 28, 2017 .
  18. TV documentary about raped prison psychologist , on:, from November 20, 2012
  19. ^ TV review Beckmann: Die Natur des Böse , Auf:, from November 2, 2012
  20. Program information and guest list for the show , on:, from January 13, 2013
  21. Audio contribution to the broadcast , on:, October 3, 2011
  22. Susanne Preusker in conversation with Almut Engelien and Doris Schiederig , on:, interview of January 29, 2012 as an audio contribution
  23. Contribution and download to the radio feature , on:, July 12, 2013
  24. Part 1 (broadcast on January 15, 2017) deals with Susanne Preusker's experience in the first half and lets her have her own say, see broadcast manuscript (PDF).