Jirkov dam

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Jirkov dam
Jirkov 2010-07-11 Vodní nádrž.jpg
Location: southwest of Jindřišská
Tributaries: Bílina , Malá voda
Drain: Bílina
Major cities nearby: Jirkov
Jirkov Dam (Czech Republic)
Jirkov dam
Coordinates 50 ° 30 '34 "  N , 13 ° 24' 33"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 30 '34 "  N , 13 ° 24' 33"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1960-1965
Height of the barrier structure : 50.8 m
Height of the structure crown: 454.8  m nm
Crown length: 190 m
Crown width: 5.5 m
Operator: State enterprise Povodí Ohře
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 420.9  m nm
Water surface 16.44 hectares
Storage space 1 917 000  m³
Total storage space : 2 769 000  m³

The dam Jirkov ( Czech Vodní nádrž Jirkov ) is a drinking water reservoir in the Czech Ore , Czech Republic.


The dam is located three kilometers northwest of Jirkov in the middle of forests on the southern slope of the Ore Mountains in Telšské údolí ("Töltschtal") of the Bílina . To the north-west of the reservoir are the remains of the Najštejn castle ("New Stone") between the valleys of the Malá voda ("Little Bächel") and the Bílina . The Červený Hrádek Castle is two and a half kilometers to the east .

Dammed waters are the Bílina and the Malá voda, drainage waters are the Bílina.

Surrounding villages are Telš, Orasín and Boleboř in the north, Jindřišská in the northeast, Červený Hrádek in the east, Vinařice in the southeast, Březenec in the south, Hrádečná in the southwest, Šerchov and Blatno in the west and Květnov and Mezihoří in the northwest.


The construction of the dam began in 1960 to supply drinking water to the North Bohemian Basin . In 1965 the system was completed. Water from the Nivský potok, the tributary of the Lužec, is supplied to the Bílina above the dam via the Nivský přivaděč pipeline . In the reservoir is at 451.60 m above sea level. M. an overflow shaft with a diameter of 9.5 m.

The Jirkov hydropower plant with a CINK turbine system Banki with a maximum output of 142.2 kW is integrated into the dam.

The Jirkov Reservoir, in conjunction with the Přísečnice , Křimov , Kamenička , Jezeří , Janov and Fláje reservoirs , provides drinking water for the entire North Bohemian lignite basin.

It is located in a drinking water protection area of ​​the first order and is not open to the public.

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