Crime scene: love and its price

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Love and its price
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 88 minutes
classification Episode 524 ( List )
First broadcast February 9, 2003 on Das Erste
Director Erhard Riedlsperger
script Andreas Pflüger
production Jürgen Haase
music Andreas Lonardoni ,
Michael Klaukien for UBM Records
camera Frank Bruhne
cut Christine Boock

Love and its price is a television film from the crime scene crime series by ARD and ORF . It is the 7th joint case of the Berlin investigator duo Ritter and Stark . The SFB television film directed by Andreas Pflüger was first broadcast on February 9, 2003 in Das Erste .


The successful actress Ariane Claasen has had a secret admirer who sneaks into her villa one night unnoticed. He's happy to be around her and even reads her diary. He disappears again when he hears noises from the next room that the unfaithful husband Roman Claasen is making with his new lover, the beautiful young actress Pia Marshall. The noises also arouse the attention of Ariane's sister Franziska, who also lives in the villa. She makes a loud scene for the two of them, which now also wakes Ariane and she has to realize that her husband is obviously cheating on her. The resulting marital conflict does not remain hidden from Ariane Claasen's fan audience, and since then Roman Claasen has been under constant fire from the press and fans, which has resulted in massive death threats against him. Since both have confirmed their appearance for the upcoming awarding of a television prize in Berlin, this means increased awareness on the part of the police. The inspectors Till Ritter and Felix Stark are commissioned by their boss to ensure the safety of Roman Claasen. After the reception that Ariane Claasen gave in her villa with a lot of media coverage, a stranger managed to shoot Roman at close range after a swim in the pool.

The first suspicion falls on the wife, as she might have had to pay millions in severance pay after the imminent divorce. But her sister Franziska offers the police ominous fan letters from a "Ricky" who seems to have been watching Ariane for eight years. At first it would have started with telephone terrorism, later the letters followed. A fortnight ago someone broke into her villa and the next day I received a letter from the stalker with a clear threat of death against Roman Claasen.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Lutz Weber is researching that on the evening of the break-in a stretch limousine had been standing in front of the Claasens villa for a long time . While reviewing the rental company, Ritter comes across the charming owner Ines Krüger. With her he arranged a sham job as a chauffeur in order to find out the driver of the limousine undercover , since the entries on the day of Roman Claasen's murder were missing in the books. One of Ritter's new colleagues is "Ricky", which the latter, however, cannot know.

Stark finds a reference to the stalker. He suspects that he identifies himself with the character of "Ricky" from an eight-year-old movie "Love and its Price". In this film, the much younger film partner had a relationship with Ariane Claasen. Ritter and Stark then go to Ariane Claasen to tell her about their discovery. When they arrive, Ariane Claasen has just received a visit from “Ricky”. After knocking out a hotel employee with a stun gun, he managed to get to his beloved. The actress portrays him as a psychopath who has declared that he loves her and would do anything for her. With this obsession, the commissioners believe it is entirely possible that he wanted to free Ariane Claasen from her unfaithful husband and therefore shot him.

To set a trap for the stalker, Ritter and Stark use a press report that Ariane Claasen has a new lover. Felix Stark unintentionally takes on this role and can therefore always be close to her to protect her at the same time. Till Ritter also acts as a chauffeur. The talk show “Fliege live” will be a practical test in the evening, with Stark sitting in the auditorium and Ariane Claasen trying to send a secret message to “Ricky”. He reacts promptly and offers his idol photos of her competitor Pia Marschall as a gift after he has cut her face. Ritter manages to find "Ricky's" hiding place, but does not find him there. The entire room is full of props from the film "Love and its Price" and there are numerous videos that the wanted man secretly made of his loved one. However, these videos also show that Ariane Claasen's sister had a relationship with Roman Claasen. Ritter confronts Franziska Reinke with these new findings, and so she admits that she shot Roman Claasen out of jealousy. She even attempted suicide because of him and couldn't stand the fact that he had meanwhile exchanged her for a younger mistress. She had already confessed to her sister's murder, which they now wanted to blame "Ricky" on. This has meanwhile brought Ariane Claasen into his power and the investigators suspect that he wants to die with his heroine, as in the film, as in the final scene. In fact, he tries to poison himself with Ariane Claasen with car exhaust, which Ritter and Stark can prevent.


The love and its price was produced by ProVobis Film on behalf of the Sender Freies Berlin (SFB), which merged with the ORB to form Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) in 2003 and has since had two offices in Potsdam-Babelsberg and Berlin-Charlottenburg . The shooting took place in Berlin.


Audience ratings

8.10 million viewers saw the episode Die Liebe und Ihr Preis in Germany when it was first broadcast on February 9, 2003, which corresponded to a market share of 21.4 percent.


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm think, “The plot seems implausible, and tension doesn't really want to arise. [Conclusion:] Wall thrills in painted pictures. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Location on Internet Movie Database , accessed December 2, 2014.
  2. ↑ Audience rating at, accessed on December 3, 2014.
  3. Love and its price short review on, accessed on December 3, 2014.