Tenthredo amoena

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Tenthredo amoena
Tenthredo amoena

Tenthredo amoena

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Family : Sawfly (Tenthredinidae)
Subfamily : Tenthredininae
Genre : Tenthredo
Type : Tenthredo amoena
Scientific name
Tenthredo amoena
Gravenhorst , 1807

Tenthredo amoena is a species from the family of sawfly (Tenthredinidae). It belongs to the subgenus Zonuledo of Tenthredo , which is considered by some editors as a separate genus.


The species reaches a body length of 9 to 11 millimeters. Like all species of the subgenus Zonuledo , it is black in color with yellow markings , with short antennae that are about one and a half times the length of the head and are slightly culled at the end. The wings of all species are slightly yellowish in color.

The species can be distinguished from the related species in Central Europe by means of the drawing. In the female, the thighs of the middle and front legs are yellow with black markings. The first antenna segment, the scapus, is pure yellow. The wing scales ( tegula ) have a yellow border, rarely also completely yellow. The fifth tergite of the abdomen is colored yellow or completely yellow at the front edge. The tips of the rear rails are red-yellow, never black. The Mesepisternen (this is the lower lateral part of the central trunk section, above the hips of the middle legs) are dotted and shiny. In the male, the front (apical) sternites of the abdomen are blackened. The hind legs are pure black. The metepisterns are black, sometimes sometimes dirty yellow. The scapus of the antennae is yellow without blackening, the scutellum is often spotted yellow, rarely as in Tenthredo distinguenda pure black.


The species lives in almost all of Europe, north to Norway, south to the Mediterranean, west to Great Britain and France, east to Bashkiria in the eastern part of European Russia. Details of the species also from Asia Minor are uncertain and may be based on confusion. Contrary to previous assumptions, the species also colonizes the Iberian Peninsula .

In Germany the species is common and common.

Way of life and ecology

In June and July they often mate on flowers of umbellifers , the adults feed on pollen and nectar. The larvae live on species of the genus St. John's wort ( Hypericum ), especially St. John's wort and spotted St. John's wort . The caterpillar-like larvae ( anal caterpillars ) are colored yellow and green with a yellow head capsule.

Larva on Hypericum perforatum


  • Andreas Taeger (1991): Fourth contribution to the systematics of the sawfly genus Tenthredo Linnaeus. The subgenus Zonuledo Zhelochovtsev, 1988. Entomofauna Journal of Entomology Volume 12, Issue 23: 373-400.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ G. Llorente SF Gayubo (1991): Estudio sobre la sinfitofauna del oeste Espanõl. III. Tenthredinidae: Tenthredininae y Nematinae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Anales de Biología Vol. 17: 43-52.
  2. Andreas Taeger, Ewald Altenhofer, Stephan M. Blank, Ewald Jansen, Manfred Kraus, Hubert Pschorn-Walcher, Carsten Ritzau: Comments on the biology, distribution and endangerment of plant wasps in Germany (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). In: Taeger, A .; Blank, SM 1998 (Ed.): Plant wasps in Germany (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Annotated inventory. - Goecke & Evers, Keltern, 364 + 3 p., 8 color plates. p.121
  3. Photos at biolib.cz

Web links

Commons : Tenthredo amoena  - collection of images, videos and audio files