Theodor Dill

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Theodor Dill bust on the quay

Theodor Dill (born December 3, 1797 in Groß Bartensleben near Helmstedt , † January 29, 1885 in Hamburg ) was a German entrepreneur and member of the Hamburg Parliament .


Emil Theodor Franz Julius Bernhard Dill joined the renowned trading house Albrecht in Hamburg as a silent partner in 1825 . In 1835 he became an open partner in the now renamed Albrecht & Dill company. They mainly imported spices and raw cocoa . In addition, from 1829 to 1836 Dill was a captain of the third battalion of the Hamburg citizen military and served as citizen military commissioner from 1837 to 1840. He was one of the patrons of St. Michaelis Church and was involved in the Kommerzium, a forerunner of today's Chamber of Commerce , of which he was president from January to December 1846.

Rescue the stock market

Hamburg fire from 1842 - painting by Peter Suhr

According to contemporary reports, Theodor Dill earned himself above all by courageously rescuing the Hanseatic stock exchange during the devastating fire of 1842. Although his own business on Deichstrasse was already in flames, he rushed to fight for the preservation of the stock exchange building, which had only been inaugurated a few months earlier. It was the pride of the Hanseatic merchants. The responsible authorities are said to have reacted too hesitantly when the disaster broke out. Without further ado, Dill took over the management of fire fighting at the exchange, where many people had fled from the flames. Together with nine other merchants, he saved the house, which had already been believed to be lost, from ruin. When the fire was extinguished, it was the only intact building in an area of ​​rubble.

After the fire

As a thank you, Theodor Dill received a valuable oil painting by Hermann Kauffmann as an honorary gift from 90 respected merchants . The painting depicting the stock exchange during the fire is now in the collection of the Museum of Hamburg History. After the disaster, Theodor Dill and his colleagues from the Commerce Deputation were among the first to present a plan for the reconstruction of the destroyed parts of the city in May 1842.

The New Stock Exchange in the Hamburg fire in 1842, painting by Hermann Kauffmann

The number and importance of his honorary positions grew. From 1845 to 1847 he was a member of the Teerhof Deputation . The Teerhof was an area for storing, transferring and processing flammable tar near the Speicherstadt . (Tar counted the time to significant commodity of the Hanseatic cities .) Dill officiated from 1846 to 1847 for short Präses of Kommerziums, was a board member of the prestigious Patriotic Society , member of the port and navigation deputation, member of the Finance Department - comparable to today's tax authority. From 1859 to 1865 he was a member of the Hamburg Parliament for the parish of St. Michaelis.

He died in Hamburg in January 1885 after a long illness. Dillstrasse in the Grindelviertel in the Hamburg-Rotherbaum district was named after him and a memorial on the quay near Deichstrasse keeps the memory of him alive.


  • Dr. Wilhelm Heyden: The members of the Hamburg citizenship 1859–1862. Commission publisher of the Heroldschen Buchhandlung, Hamburg 1909
  • Ariane Knuth: Dill, Theodor . In: Franklin Kopitzsch, Dirk Brietzke (Hrsg.): Hamburgische Biographie . tape 1 . Christians, Hamburg 2001, ISBN 3-7672-1364-8 , pp. 82-83 .

Individual evidence

  1. 1842: The "Great Fire" rages in Hamburg. Chronology of the NDR , accessed on March 24, 2014