Theodor Goecke

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Theodor Goecke (born May 19, 1850 in Emmerich ; † June 15, 1919 in Berlin ; full name: Friedrich Eduard Theodor Goecke ) was a German architect , urban planner , Prussian building officer and monument conservator .


Theodor Goecke grew up as the son of the tax councilor Emil Alexander Goecke in Düsseldorf, where he attended secondary school. After graduating from school, Goecke studied architecture from November 1872 to September 16, 1875 at the Berlin Building Academy , and later also at the Technical University of Aachen . In 1879 he passed the first state examination and became a government building supervisor ( trainee lawyer ). In 1885, after passing the second state examination, he was appointed government builder ( assessor ). From 1883 to 1891 Goecke was an assistant at the Technical University of Aachen. In 1896 he was appointed state building inspector for the province of Brandenburg . Habilitation in 1902he qualified as a private lecturer in urban planning at the Technical University of Charlottenburg . In 1903 he was appointed state building councilor for the province of Brandenburg and received an extraordinary professorship for general building theory and urban planning at the Technical University of Charlottenburg; Felix Genzmer occupied the chair from 1903 . Five years later Goecke was appointed provincial curator of the province of Brandenburg and editor of the directory of art and historical monuments. In 1912 he was appointed a secret building councilor. Above all, Goecke made a name for himself in the field of urban planning.




  • The social task of architecture. 1895.
  • The Berlin workers' tenement house. A structural-social study. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung 24 (1890), pp. 501–502, 508–510, 522–523.
  • Principles of town planning. 1897.
  • The architecture of social (social) welfare institutions.
  • The art monuments of the province of Brandenburg. Several volumes:
    • The art monuments of the Lubusz district. 1909
    • The art monuments of the Westprignitz district. 1909
    • The prehistoric and early historical monuments of the Westprignitz district. 1912
    • The art monuments of the city of Frankfurt an der Oder. 1912
    • The art monuments of the city and cathedral of Brandenburg. 1912
    • The art monuments of the Westhavelland district. 1913
    • The art monuments of the Weststernberg district. 1913
    • The art monuments of the Ruppin district. 1914
    • The art monuments of the Luckau district. 1917

Together with Camillo Sitte , Goecke acted as editor of the magazine Der Städtebau from 1904 to 1919 .


  • Obituary. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung , 53rd year 1919, No. 51 (from June 25, 1919), pp. 286–287.
  • Olav Vogt: Theodor Goecke. Provincial conservator in Brandenburg from 1908 to 1919. In: Brandenburgische Denkmalpflege , 4th year 1995, issue 2, pp. 47–52.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie-Luise Buchinger: City of Brandenburg on the Havel. ( Monument topography of the Federal Republic of Germany , monuments in Brandenburg. Volume 1.2). Wernersche Verlagsanstalt, Worms 1995, ISBN 3-88462-115-7 , pages 174-179
  2. Landesdenkmalamt Berlin: Brandenburg School for Midwives and Women's Clinic, Neukölln Hospital with maternity hospital, director's residence, administration building and surrounding wall. In: Landesdenkmaldatenbank. Landesdenkmalamt Berlin, accessed on May 22, 2019 .