Titus Heydenreich

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Titus Heydenreich (born December 14, 1936 in Hamburg , † December 23, 2013 in Hemhofen ) was a German Romanist , Italianist and Hispanist .

life and work

Heydenreich studied Romance and German at the University of Freiburg and the Free University of Berlin , as well as in Madrid and Paris. He received his doctorate in 1967 in Berlin with the thesis Tadel und Lob der Schiffahrt. On the aftermath of an ambivalence in the Romance literatures (published ud T. Tadel und Praise der Seefahrt. The afterlife of an ancient topic in the Romance literatures , Heidelberg 1970) and habilitated in 1973 at the University of Cologne with the writing Culteranismo and Theological Poetics. The "Collusión de letras humanas y divinas" (1637/1644) by the Aragonese Gaspar Buesso de Arnal for the defense of Góngoras (Frankfurt am Main 1977).

From 1974 to 1977 Heydenreich was associate professor for Romance studies (literary studies) at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen , from 1977 to 2005 full professor for Romance literature at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (from 1986 to 1990 also dean). He did not accept calls to the Universities of Cologne (1986) and Vienna (1989). In 1986 he founded the magazine Zibaldone with Helene Harth and was its co-editor until 2013.


  • as editor: Pedro Calderón de la Barca. (1600-1681). Contributions to work and effect (= Erlanger research. Series A: Geisteswissenschaften. Vol. 28). Universitäts-Bund Erlangen-Nürnberg et al., Erlangen 1982, ISBN 3-922135-25-0 .
  • as editor with Jürgen Schneider: Argentina and Uruguay (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 12 = Papers of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Latin America section of the Central Institute 06. 5). Fink, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-7705-2088-2 .
  • as editor with José Manuel López de Abiada: Iberoamérica. Historia, Sociedad, Literatura. Homenaje a Gustav Siebenmann (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 13, 1–2). 2 volumes. Fink, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-7705-2154-4 .
  • as editor with Jürgen Schneider: Paraguay (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 14 = presentations of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Latin America section of the Central Institute 06. 6). Fink, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-7705-2217-6 .
  • as editor in connection with Franz Josef Hausmann and Hinrich Hudde: Denis Diderot. 1713-1784. Time, work, effect. Ten contributions (= Erlanger research. Series A: Humanities. Vol. 34). Universitäts-Bund Erlangen-Nürnberg et al., Erlangen 1984, ISBN 3-922135-38-2 .
  • as editor: Dealing with the foreign. Contributions to the literature from and about Latin America (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 22). Fink, Munich 1986, ISBN 3-7705-2408-X .
  • as editor in connection with Egert Pöhlmann : Liebesroman - Liebe im Roman. An Erlanger lecture series (= Erlanger research. Series A: Humanities. Vol. 41). Universitäts-Bund Erlangen-Nürnberg et al., Erlangen 1987, ISBN 3-922135-49-8 .
  • as editor: Kuba. History. Economy. Culture (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 23 = Papers of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Latin America section of the Central Institute 06.8 ). Fink, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-7705-2409-8 .
  • as editor with Helene Harth : Sicily. History. Culture. Topicality (= Romanica et comparatistica. 8). Stauffenburg, Tübingen 1987, ISBN 3-923721-58-7 .
  • Bibliography of Hispanic Studies in the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland. Vol. 1-9, 1988-2009, ZDB ID 641311-0 .
  • as editor with Peter Blumenthal: Belief Processes - Processes of Belief? Religious minorities between tolerance and inquisition (= Erlangen Romanesque documents and works. Vol. 1). Stauffenburg, Tübingen 1989, ISBN 3-923721-90-0 .
  • as editor: Chile. History, economy and culture of the present (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 25 = Papers of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Latin America section of the Central Institute 06.9 ). Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 1990, ISBN 3-89354-725-8 .
  • as editor: Columbus between two worlds. Historical and literary evaluations from five centuries (= Latin America Studies. Vol. 30, 1–2). 2 volumes. Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 1992, ISBN 3-89354-730-4 .
  • as editor: Cultura italiana e spagnola a confronto. Anni 1918-1939. = Culturas italiana y española frente a frente. Años 1918–1939 (= Erlangen Romance documents and works. Vol. 8). Stauffenburg, Tübingen 1992, ISBN 3-923721-97-8 .
  • as editor with Eberhard Leube and Ludwig Schrader : Romanische Lyrik. Poetry and Poetics. In honor of Walter Pabst. Stauffenburg, Tübingen 1993, ISBN 3-86057-002-1 .
  • as editor with Ottmar Ette : José Martí 1895/1995. Literatura, política, filosofía estética (= Latin American Studies. Vol. 34 = Papers of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Latin America section of the Central Institute 06.10 ). Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-89354-734-7 .
  • as editor: Pius IX. and the Papal States in the years 1860–1870. A German-Italian colloquium. = Pio IX e lo stato pontificio degli anni 1860-1870. Un convegno italo-tedesco (= Erlanger research. Series A: Humanities. Vol. 74). University Library Erlangen, Erlangen 1995, ISBN 3-930357-04-6 .
  • as editor with Ottmar Ette: José Enrique Rodó y su tiempo. Cien años de "Ariel" (= Latin American Studies. Vol. 42 = Papers of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Latin America section of the Central Institute 06.12 ). Vervuert et al., Frankfurt am Main et al. 2000, ISBN 3-89354-742-8 .
  • as editor with Eberhard Späth: Africa in the European literatures between 1860 and 1930 (= Erlanger research. Series A: Humanities. Vol. 89). University Library Erlangen, Erlangen 2000, ISBN 3-930357-39-9 .
  • as editor: La responsabilità dell'intellettuale in Europa all'epoca di Leonardo Sciascia. Pommersfelden, 6–9 ottobre 1999. = The responsibility of the intellectual in Europe in the age of Leonardo Sciascia (= Erlanger research. Series A: Geisteswissenschaften. Vol. 99). Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg et al., Erlangen 2001, ISBN 3-930357-48-8 .


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