Tobias J. Knoblich

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Tobias J. Knoblich (born September 21, 1971 in Zwickau ) is a German cultural scientist , cultural manager and non-party cultural and local politician . From January 2011 to January 2019 he was the cultural director of the state capital Erfurt . Since November 2018 he has been President of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V. (Bonn). On November 28, 2018, he was elected Head of Department by the Erfurt City Council. He took up this position on February 1, 2019 and, as the mayor's deputy, is responsible for the business areas of culture and urban development. On July 14, 2018, he had already been elected to the professional city councilor for culture and tourism of the city of Bayreuth , but had opted for the option in Erfurt, which opened later. [outdated]


Tobias J. Knoblich first learned the profession of transport clerk from 1988 to 1990 and, after the end of the GDR from 1990 to 1991, completed an adaptation training course to become a clerk in rail and road traffic ( IHK ) at the Deutsche Reichsbahn . In parallel to his training, he passed the Abitur at the adult education center.

From 1980 to 1989 he devoted himself to a bassoon training at the Robert Schumann Conservatory in Zwickau , which he completed with an upper school degree.

From 1991 to 1996 Tobias J. Knoblich studied cultural studies, cultural work / cultural policy and European ethnology at the Humboldt University in Berlin . He graduated with a Magister Artium . Knoblich then worked as a freelance cultural advisor, journalist and lecturer in Berlin, later as a freelancer, then as a consultant at the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art in Dresden .

From October 2001 to December 2010 he was managing director of the Landesverband Soziokultur Sachsen e. V. in Dresden. He also taught the cultural management course at the Saxon Administration and Business Academy, where he was a member of the cultural studies examination board . From 2008 to 2011 he was also Chairman of the Board of the Saxon Youth Foundation.

In 2011 he became the cultural director of the state capital Erfurt. In this role he belonged to a. to the executive committee of the German Children's Media Foundation Goldner Spatz . Since February 2019 he has been a municipal electoral officer and works as an alderman for culture and urban development in the state capital Erfurt. He is also a lecturer for cultural policy and cultural administration in the master’s course in cultural management and cultural tourism at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt / Oder . The University of Leipzig has appointed him visiting professor for cultural management at the Institute for Cultural Studies for the 2019/20 winter semester .

In June 2016, he received his PhD in cultural studies from the University of Hildesheim. phil. PhD. His dissertation is devoted to cultural democratization and socioculture ( program formulas and forms of practice of socioculture: cultural policy as cultural democracy ).

Knoblich is married and lives in Erfurt.

Honorary positions

From November 2001 to November 2005, Knoblich was a board member of the Federal Association of Sociocultural Centers. V. In 2006 he was co-opted into the Saxon Cultural Senate. Also in 2006 he became Vice President of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V. (Bonn), of which he has been a member since 2001. For the cultural and political society he is also involved in journalism, u. a. as an author in the journal Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen and as co-editor of the yearbook for cultural policy .

From 2007 to 2010 he was deputy spokesman for the Council for Socioculture and Cultural Education in the German Cultural Council. V .; from 2016 to 2019 he held this position again.

He was also appointed to the Culture Committee of the German Commission for UNESCO and to the Board of Trustees of the Children's and Youth Theater Center in the Federal Republic of Germany .

As a member of the supervisory board, he supports the KulturQuartier Schauspielhaus eG , the first cultural cooperative in Thuringia.

From 2009 to April 2016, Knoblich was chairman of the Wilhelm and Lotte Neufeld Foundation in Offenbach / Main, which aims to promote young book artists.

At the 18th Ordinary General Assembly in Bonn on November 24, 2018, Knoblich was elected as the new President of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (to succeed Oliver Scheytt ).

Publications (selection)

  • Research questions and findings on audience development in the area of ​​socioculture , in: Patrick S. Föhl / Patrick Glogner-Pilz (eds.), Handbuch Kulturpublikum. Research questions and findings, Wiesbaden 2016, pp. 367–390
  • Promoting culture between aspiration and reality , in: From Politics and Contemporary History , supplement to the weekly newspaper “Das Parlament”, 66th year, 20–22 / 2016, Bonn 2016, pp. 7–14
  • Challenges of social change for cultural policy , in: Documentation of the congress “Can contain traces of art!”, Hannover 2016, pp. 59–65
  • Cultural policy is social policy is democracy policy , in: Kerstin Gralher (Ed.), Between Leitkultur and Laissez-faire. The contribution of cultural policy to democracy in the face of global migration , Schwerte-Villigst 2016, pp. 61–70
  • Cultural policy after the »Wende« - Understanding and misunderstandings , in: Yearbook for Cultural Policy 2015/16, Bielefeld 2016, pp. 107–113
  • Why a »Red List of Threatened Cultural Institutions«? , in: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen , No. 155, IV / 2016, pp. 18–19
  • Socioculture. Your program formulas between new beginnings and current cultural policy , in: Handbuch Kulturmanagement (No. 55/2017), pp. 31–56
  • Reformation celebrations in times of waning light. Thoughts on the end of the Luther Decade , in: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen , No. 158, III / 2017, pp. 16–18
  • The »Alternative for Germany« and its reset cultural policy , in: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen, No. 159, IV / 2017, pp. 55–57
  • Program formulas and forms of practice of socioculture. Cultural policy as cultural democracy , Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2018
  • Possibilities and limits of cultural-political transformation using the current example of Thuringia , in: Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement / Journal of Cultural Management, Vol. 4, Issue 1: Kultur im Umbruch, Bielefeld 2018, pp. 87-102
  • Faith and cultural history - a demanding synthesis. The Reformation Decade from a cultural-political point of view , in: Annette Seemann , Thomas A. Seidel , Thomas Wurzel (eds.): The Reformation Decade "Luther 2017" in Thuringia. Documentation, reflection, perspective , Weimar 2018, pp. 282–285
  • Is there a transformative cultural management? On the convergence of cultural policy and cultural management , in: Handbuch Kulturmanagement (No. 63/2018), pp. 15–37
  • Cultural Policy in the Crisis of the General , in: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen, No. 163, IV / 2018, pp. 69–71
  • In great shape? German Unity and Constitutional Culture, in: Politics & Culture, Newspaper of the German Cultural Council, No. 4/19, April 2019, p. 17
  • On the evolution of home - homes as a cultural-political challenge , in: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen, No. 166, III / 2019, pp. 27–29
  • Cultural policy and cultural operations in the age of digitality (together with Annette Jagla), in: Christian Holst (Ed.): Culture in Interaction. Co-Creation in the Cultural Sector, Heidelberg 2019, pp. 1–22

As editor, he and Michael Grisko have been responsible since 2017 for the series “Current Contributions to Cultural Policy”, which is published by Leipzig University Press. Volume 1 is entitled “Pro Culture: Legislation and Lobbying”, Volume 2 (2019) “Innovation and Culture. Politics - Technology - Market «.

Individual evidence

  1. Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V. In: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V., accessed December 27, 2016 .
  2. CITY COUNCIL ELECTS DR. TOBIAS J. KNOBLICH AS CULTURAL ADVICE. City of Bayreuth, July 16, 2017, accessed on September 3, 2018 .
  3. Cultural Directorate State Capital Erfurt. In: State capital Erfurt, accessed on December 27, 2016 .
  4. ^ University of Leipzig: Erfurt Head of Cultural Affairs becomes new visiting professor at Leipzig University. October 16, 2019, accessed October 17, 2019 .
  5. Yearbook for cultural policy. In: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V., accessed December 27, 2016 .
  6. Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft press release: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft elects new board , accessed on November 27, 2018
  7. Tobias J. Knoblich: Cultural promotion between claim and reality. In: From Politics and Contemporary History. Federal Agency for Political Education, accessed on December 27, 2016 .
  8. Tobias J. Knoblich: Why a »Red List of Threatened Cultural Institutions«. In: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen 155. Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V., 2016, accessed December 27, 2016 .
  9. Tobias J. Knoblich: Cultural policy in the crisis of the general. In: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen 163. Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V., 2018, accessed December 26, 2018 .
  10. Tobias J. Knoblich: In great shape? German unity and constitutional culture. In: Politics & Culture, No. 4/2019. German Cultural Council, accessed on March 31, 2019 .