UTC + 12
UTC + 12
Zone meridian | 180 ° E
NATO DTG | M (Mike)
Time zones |
Standard time
UTC + 12 is a zone time which has the longitude semicircle 180 ° East as the reference meridian. On watches with this zone time, it is twelve hours later than Coordinated Universal Time and eleven hours later than CET . The zone time immediately to the east with UTC − 12 uses the same reference meridian on the other side of the date line. The two zone times have a time difference of 24 hours. Therefore the same time applies, but a date that is different by one day. It is therefore 13 hours earlier than CET and twelve hours earlier than Coordinated Universal Time on the clocks there .
All year round
Standard Time (Southern Hemisphere)
New Zealand (excluding Chatham Islands )
See also
Individual evidence