Kamchatka Region

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Subject of the Russian Federation
Kamchatka Region
Камчатский край
flag coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district far East
surface 464,275  km²
population 322,079 inhabitants
(as of October 14, 2010)
Population density 0.7 inhabitants / km²
Administrative center Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
Official languages Korjak , Russian
Russians (78.4%)
Ukrainians (3.6%)
Koryaks (2.1%)
Itelmens (0.74%)
Evens (0.58%)
Kamchadals (0.48%)
Chukchi (0.46 %)
(As of 2010)
governor Vladimir Ilyukhin
Founded July 1, 2007 (October 20, 1932)
Time zone UTC + 12
Telephone prefixes (+7) 415xx
Postcodes 683000-684999,
License Plate 41
OKATO 30th
ISO 3166-2 RU-KAM
Website www.kamgov.ru
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About this picture

Coordinates: 58 ° 0 '  N , 160 ° 0'  E

The Kamchatka Region ( Russian Камчатский край Kamtschatski krai ) is a federation subject of Russia , which was formed on July 1, 2007 through the merger of the two subjects Kamchatka Oblast (171,266 km²) and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (293,899 km²). Geographically, it occupies the entire Kamchatka Peninsula as well as some areas north of it.


The basis for the merger was a referendum in the two subjects on October 23, 2005, in which the majority of the residents voted in favor. Based on this, on July 7, 2006 , the Russian Federation Council passed the law “On the formation within the Russian Federation of a new federal subject through the merger of the Kamchatka Oblast and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug”, which laid down the formation of the Kamchatka region on July 1, 2007 . The capital of the region is the former oblast capital Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky . In the districts ( Rajons ) the old structure of the two subjects was retained.

In fact, the two subjects continued to exist. At the time of the unification, neither the creation of uniform institutions for both territorial units nor the merging of their legislation had been completed. Since there are no paved roads between the south of the peninsula and the previous Korjak district and air traffic is only irregular due to the weather, the economic and social division between the south and the extremely sparsely populated north of the region is likely to continue for the time being.


The 2010 census showed a population of 322,079 people. The indigenous Koryaks are a Paleo-Siberian people. However, they are only a small minority in their home republic (6,640 people or 2.1% of the population). The vast majority of residents belong to Slavic ethnic groups , including Russians with 252,609 (78.4%), Ukrainians with 11,488 (3.6%) and Belarusians with 1,883 (0.6%) members. Other significant minorities are the Koreans , Tatars and Mordvins as well as other immigrants from former Soviet republics (Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, etc.). In addition to the Koryaks, there are other small groups of Siberian peoples. These include the Itelmen (2,394 people; 0.74%), Ewenen (1,872 people; 0.58%), Kamtschadalen (1,551 people; 0.48%) and Chukchi (1,496 people; 0.46%). At the last census, 28,084 people (8.7%) did not give a racial answer. This group of people is presumably often a Slavic-Siberian hybrid of the Russian language, who did not want to count themselves either among the locals or among the immigrants.

The official languages ​​are Korjak in the formerly independent Autonomous Region of the Korjak and Russian . In addition to supporters of the Russian Orthodox Church, there are also numerous shamanists and a few Muslims (mainly Tatars).

Administrative division

The Kamchatka Region is divided into eleven Rajons and three urban districts . A total of five urban and 47 rural communities (corresponding to gorodskoje posselenije and selskoje posselenije ) with a total of 81 localities are subordinate to the Rajons (status: 2015, last change 2012). Almost half of all localities are in the Jelisowski and Milkowski districts in the area around the regional center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky; there and in the urban districts of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vilyuchinsk, which are also located in this part of the region, together almost 90% of the population live. In the other Rajons, the communities usually only include the eponymous locality, in rare cases two localities. In the districts of Oljutorski, Penschinski, Sobolewski and Ust-Bolscherezki there are also a total of six localities on non-parish territory (meschselennaja territorija).

Four Rajons and the urban district of Palana, which was subsequently spun off from the former Koryak Autonomous Okrug, still have a special status under this name within the region (highlighted in gray in the tables).

City districts

Administrative structure (numbers of the Rajons in the first column of the table)
Urban district Residents Area
(inh / km²)
II Palana 003,508 ? ?
III Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 194.431 362 537
I. Vilyuchinsk 025,401 341 74


Rajon Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Administrative headquarters More
Number of
Number of
1 Aleutski 00580 001,507 0.38 - 00580 Nikolskoye   - 1
2 Bystrinski 02,518 023,377 0.11 - 02,518 Esso   - 2
3 Yelisovsky 63,716 040.996 1.55 40,558 23,158 Yelisovo Wulkanny 2 8th
4th Karaginski 04,641 040,641 0.11 02.111 02,530 Ossora   1 5
5 Milkowski 10,783 022,590 0.48 - 10,783 Milkowo   - 2
6th Oljutorsky 05,144 072,352 0.07 - 05,144 Tilichiki   - 7th
7th Penschinsky 02,483 116.086 0.02 - 02,483 Kamenskoye   - 5
8th Sobolewski 2,721 021,076 0.13 - 02,721 Sobolewo   - 3
9 Tigilski 04,620 063,484 0.07 - 04,620 Tigil   - 7th
10 Ust-Bolscherezki 09,408 020,626 0.46 4,682 04,726 Ust-Bolscherezk Osernowski , Oktjabrski 2 4th
11 Ust-Kamchatsky 12,291 040,837 0.30 - 12,291 Ust-Kamchatsk   - 3


  1. a b number of the district / district (in alphabetical order of the names in Russian )
  2. a b c d e belongs to the administrative-territorial unit with a special status (Administratiwno-territorialnaja jediniza s ossobym statussom) Autonomous Okrug of the Koryaks
  3. SATO (" Closed City ")
  4. ^ Urban-type settlements or municipalities
  5. includes the commanders' islands

Cities and urban settlements

In the Kamchatka region there is by far the largest city, the administrative center of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky region, two other cities, Yelisovo and the " closed city " (SATO) Vilyuchinsk , as well as three urban-type settlements .

The city of Klyuchi and the urban settlements of Ust-Bolsheetsk , Ust-Kamchatsk , Oktyabrsky lost their status between 2004 and 2010 and were downgraded to villages (Selo).

City * / City settlement Russian name Rajon Residents
(October 14, 2010)
Yelisovo * Елизово Yelisovsky 39,569
Ossora Оссора Karaginski 2.133
Palana Палана Urban district 3,155
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky * Петропавловск-Камчатский Urban district 179,780
Vilyuchinsk * Вилючинск Urban district 22,905
Wulkanny Вулканный Yelisovsky 1,608


The Kamchatka Peninsula has more than 160 volcanoes , 29 of which are considered active. Here is also the Klyuchevskaya Sopka , the largest volcano in Eurasia, and the Valley of the Geysers .


The main industries in the region are hunting , fishing , mining (including gold and coal) and tourism . Reindeer herding dominates agriculture . The Kamchatka region is also the location of major military bases.

Web links

Commons : Kamchatka Region  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Administrativno-territorialʹnoe delenie po subʺektam Rossijskoj Federacii na 1 janvarja 2010 goda (administrative-territorial division according to subjects of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2010). ( Download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. a b Itogi VPN-2010. Administrativno-territorialʹnoe delenie kraja. (Results of the 2010 census. Administrative-territorial division of the region.) Table 2 (Download from the website of the Territorial Organ of the Kamchatka Region of the Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  3. only in the former Koryak Autonomous Okrug
  4. Nacional'nyj sostav naselenija po sub "ektam Rossijskoj Federacii. (XLS) In: Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Rosstat, accessed on June 30, 2016 (Russian, ethnic composition of the population according to federal subjects , results of the 2010 census).
  5. ^ Result of the 2010 census in the Kamchatka region http://demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/rus_etn_10.php?reg=77
  6. a b Population figures 2010 at the Federal Service for State Statistics of Russia (calculation as of January 1; Excel file; 562 kB)