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The ueTheater (“ue” stands for superstructure ) is an independent theater ensemble based in Regensburg . It was founded in 2002 and now consists of several departments: Mobile school theater (ueMo), theater with students (ueNi), theater education (uePä) and forum and colorful theater (ueFo, ueBu). The ueTheater sees itself as a human rights theater, is organized on a grassroots and consensus basis and tries to implement gender-fair principles. It is spoken as well as music and performance theater .

Final bow from the production "Animal Farm of Democracy"


ueNi - theater with students

The ueTheater was founded in 2002 as a student theater ensemble at the University of Regensburg . The largely apolitical cultural landscape at the university should be countered with political theater. Initially, updated works by well-known authors were listed. So by Heinar Kipphardt "Brother Eichmann", as well as by Dario Fo "Accidental death of an anarchist". Soon, however, the ensemble began to work mainly on their own pieces. In 2004, the end-time drama "Großerbruder 2010" was the first in-house production. With this, the group reacted to the Agenda 2010 proclaimed by Gerhard Schröder . ueNi usually stages one play per semester . The topic of the projects as well as the plot, sequence of scenes and stage design are discussed together. Castings do not exist. The students choose their roles themselves, regardless of gender, age, language or physical characteristics. Hierarchies are largely avoided. In order to show the collective character of the ensemble to the outside world, there are no individual bows. The final applause is always received together.

ueBu - colorful theater

Since "big brother 2010" had the Hartz IV laws as its content, the piece was rehearsed again in 2006 with those affected. That was the cornerstone for the new department “ueBu - Colorful Theater”. The ueTheater understands this to mean productions in different formats with interested laypeople from urban society as well as constantly changing venues. With ueBu, theater should be brought into political disputes, be it as street theater or as a full-length event. Some of the pieces were also performed nationwide, for example the religion-critical piece "Solo for the Devil".

ueMo - Mobile school theater

In 2008, the Federal Ministry for Families , Seniors, Women and Youth sponsored the development of the youth theater play “Elly and Ingo” as part of the program “VIELFALT TUT GUT - Youth for Diversity, Tolerance and Democracy - Against Right-Wing Extremism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism” . It was the ueTheater's first project specifically for schools. The play has now seen several hundred performances. Further school theater projects for young people followed, especially on the topics of bullying , sexuality, drugs, asylum and right-wing populism . In 2019 a children's play against discrimination and exclusion was also included in the program. The pieces are developed in cooperation with educational specialists and brought to the stage with the simplest means. All organizational and financial regulations are decided jointly by all those involved, for example fee amount, performance conditions, travel cost calculations, etc. The artistic and political orientation, on the other hand, is mainly determined by the founder, play author and director Kurt Raster.

uePä - theater education

Photo from the theater education project "My Freedom - Your Freedom"

In 2009 the ueTheater was engaged by the psychosocial AIDS counseling center in Upper Palatinate to organize a weekend workshop on the subject of “ HIV - Ways out of Discrimination”. This was the starting shot for the new area “uePä - Theater Education”. Together with a group that wants to work on a specific problem, scenes are developed in theater-pedagogically guided improvisations and played in front of an audience. A solution is sought with the audience by means of a forum theater . In between the scenes, information blocks that are recorded via video explain important background information. In this way, plays were created on the topics of bullying in youth groups, selection stress in the tripartite school system, and the integration of young people seeking protection.

ueFo - Forum Theater

In 2011 the ueTheater developed the play "hochschuldiktatUR" together with students from the University of Regensburg. It was the group's first full-length forum play. It criticized the negative effects of the Bologna reform on studies and the quality of education. From this project the department "ueFo - Forum Theater" developed. Similar to uePä, ueFo develops scenes on a specific subject area. These are put together with background information for a play. But it is not those affected who perform the piece themselves, but semi-professional actors. ueFo is primarily intended to support politically and socially committed groups in their public relations work. Topics worked on so far: Asylum, poverty, rent, care, AnkER centers .

Social Commitment

Since the ueTheater was founded, the group has combined art with social engagement. It forms alliances with other social initiatives such as B. with the alliance "No place for Nazis" or "Solidarity City of Regensburg" and starts its own projects.

Relative price system

If the ueTheater acts as the organizer, an entrance ticket is not issued at a fixed price, but in relation to the respective income. The starting point is the average income according to European equivalence criteria. A basic price is set for this, which is apportioned as a percentage to all income groups. According to the ensemble, poverty can only be combated through redistribution and not through alms in the form of reduced admission prices. In addition, it should be shown that 5 euros for Hartz IV recipients is, in relative terms, as high a sum as 500 euros for well-off.

Remembering Elly Maldaque

Elly Maldaque is considered the first victim of the approaching Nazi tyranny in Regensburg. The reasons for the failure of the Weimar Republic can be seen in their fate .

Elly Maldaque Theater at the University

In 2007 the ueTheater suggested naming a venue at the University of Regensburg after her. Since the Studentenwerk Ndb / Opf, as the operator, denied responsibility, but the university, as the owner, named the Studentenwerk as the responsible body, the ueTheater named the venue after the teacher in an art campaign. The Studentenwerk does not recognize the new name and tries to prevent it through statutory provisions and legal action .

Elly Maldaque School

For a school in Regensburg, which was named after the National Socialist Hans Herrmann , who became Lord Mayor of Regensburg for the CSU after the war , the ueTheater suggested Elly Maldaque as the namesake. After the Ministry of Education asked for a renaming, the school carried out an online survey. The name "Elly Maldaque School" received the most votes by a large margin. The school's teaching staff decided on a different name anyway.

Elly Maldaque Street project

Renaming of D.-Martin-Luther-Str. in Elly-Maldaque-Str. during a rally

In the Luther year 2017, the ueTheater together with the Regensburg Association for Spiritual Freedom demanded that the central D.-Martin-Luther-Straße be renamed Elly-Maldaque-Straße. In the play "Love instead of hate" Luther's inflammatory statements against peasants, women, disabled people and especially Jews were juxtaposed with writings by Elly Maldaque. The piece was performed at a rally in front of the Regensburg town hall. The city council unanimously rejected the application submitted by the ueTheater to rename the street.

No participation in "KulTür"

"KulTür" is the name of the Regensburg culture board. The ueTheater does not participate in KulTür and criticizes the concept publicly. Culture boards would not alleviate poverty, only manage it. In addition, various organizations are partners of KulTür, which significantly promote poverty, such as the job center . Instead, the ueTheater relies on its “relative price system” concept, whereby each guest pays according to their monthly income.

Protest against asylum policy

In 2016 the ueTheater was a prize winner in the competition Active for Democracy and Tolerance of the Federal Ministry of the Interior . In protest against the German asylum policy, in particular against the deportation policy of the then Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière , the ensemble stayed away from the award ceremony, which took place in Regensburg. In a press release, the group wrote: “The ueTheater does not want to take part in an event organized by the Federal Ministry of the Interior that is supposed to give the impression that everything is good, because nothing is good in the asylum issue.” According to the group, the prize money of 3000 euros was complete Donated to organizations that work for asylum seekers.

Support of social policy initiatives

With street theater, sketches or pieces of music, the ueTheater has consistently supported the political education work of local, socially and politically committed groups since its foundation.

  • 2006 Ackermann-Skätsch on May 1st - German Federation of Trade Unions
  • 2006 Small Ball and Big Ball - Friendship Society BRD-Kuba eV
  • 2006 Am Höllentor - Association for Freedom of Spirit Bavaria
  • 2006 Refugee Day - Citizens' Initiative Asylum
  • 2006 Brecht liquidated - German Communist Party
  • 2007 G8 summit quiz - attac / Greenpeace
  • 2014 TTIP sketches - attac
  • 2017 apartments instead of new hotels and Airbnb - right to the city of Regensburg
  • 2017 Love instead of hate - Association for Freedom of Spirit Bavaria
  • 2018 The Right to be Lazy - Social Revolutionary Action / Transition Town
  • 2018 expropriate real estate sharks instead of tenants! - Right to the city of Regensburg


Unless otherwise stated, the authorship lies with the ueTheater.

  • 2002 Brother Eichmann - Heinar Kipphardt
  • 2003 Accidental death of an anarchist - Dario Fo
  • 2004 big brother 2010 (I)
  • 2005 The Grantlhubers and the meaning of life
  • 2006 Measure for Measure - William Shakespeare
  • 2006 big brother 2010 (II)
  • 2006 Elly Maldaque, because you are not Germany
  • 2007 Solo for the devil (I)
  • 2008 The small power
  • 2008 Elly and Ingo
  • 2009 Plutos, the god of money - Aristophanes
  • 2010 It stinks here!
  • Better to die in 2010
  • 2011 The mother - Bertolt Brecht
  • 2011 Solo for the devil (II)
  • 2011 university dictation
  • 2012 love me
  • 2012 poverty in Regensburg
  • 2013 Anarchy in Bavaria - Rainer Werner Fassbinder
  • 2013 Asylum - treating people like people
  • 2014 teacher Elly - Josef Wolfgang Steinbeißer
  • 2014 What? Just a three !?
  • 2014 How Bertelsmann stole education
  • 2014 Poverty - Is it your own fault?
  • 2015 Cemetery of the Breathing Dead - Ilona Haslbauer
  • 2015 messes in Regensburg: rent
  • 2015 The apolitical student
  • 2015 messes in Regensburg: care
  • 2015 Enisa's diary
  • 2016 chills
  • 2016 SCUM - Manifesto of the Society for the Extermination of Men - Valerie Solanas
  • 2016 My freedom - your freedom
  • 2016 The Ugly German - pretty much based on Molière's "The Miser"
  • 2016 UtopiA
  • 2017 On the use of the kite - based on an idea by Stanislaw Lem
  • 2017 Panopticon
  • 2018 What annoys us!
  • 2018 One World
  • 2018 Animal Farm of Democracy
  • 2019 Nursing care case - no human right to dignity?
  • 2019 Plexi from space
  • 2019 in the midst of us (i)
  • 2019 in the midst of us (ii)
  • 2019 I'm not a Nazi, but ...
  • 2020 After us the flood

Honors, prizes, awards

  • 2016: Winner in the competition "Active for Democracy and Tolerance" of the Federal Ministry of the Interior for the forum play "Asylum - treating people like people"
  • 2018: Award "Free Spirit 2018", awarded by the Association for Spiritual Freedom Regensburg
  • 2019: Honoring the European Union as part of the Erasmus funding program for the project with refugees "My Freedom - Your Freedom"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.uetheater.de/geschichte.html
  2. https://www.regensburg.de/fm/RBG_INTER1S_VM.a.253.de/r_upload/dokumentation-vielfalt-tut-gut.407419.pdf
  3. http://ur-watchblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/hochschuldiktatur-forumtheater-zum.html
  4. https://www.uetheater.de/ueni/karten.html
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L4bb1nwpB0&list=PLITFNlp8dRpNPl2rKm_jyJvNwDqQqvFmw&index=43
  6. https://www.kult.de/zeitvertreib/streit-um-name-eskaliert-23894-art1663503.html
  7. https://www.onetz.de/deutschland-welt/regensburg/neuer-eklat-namensstreit-id2756315.html
  8. https://www.mittelbayerische.de/region/regensburg-stadt-nachrichten/uni-theater-streit-um-namen-eskaliert-21179-art1527846.html
  9. https://www.tvaktuell.com/namensstreit-online-sieg-fuer-elly-maldaque-120388/
  10. https://www.mittelbayerische.de/region/regensburg/stadtteile/reinhausen/hans-herrmann-schule-bald-vergangenheit-21351-art1233427.html
  11. Reporting on "Love instead of hate" , regensburg-digital.de, accessed April 26, 2020
  12. https://www.uetheater.de/blog/das-uetheater-wird-sich-nicht-an-kultuer-beteiligen.html
  13. https://www.buendnis-toleranz.de/archiv/themen/toleranz/171041/asyl-menschen-wie-menschen-behandeln
  14. https://www.mittelbayerische.de/region/regensburg/stadtteile/innenstadt/toleranz-preis-protest-aus-regensburg-21345-art1507452.html
  15. https://www.buendnis-toleranz.de/archiv/themen/toleranz/171041/asyl-menschen-wie-menschen-behandeln
  16. https://bfg-regensburg.de/portal/article/24102018-preisverleihung-uetheater-regensburg-ist-%E2%80%9Efreier-geist-2018%E2%80%9C
  17. https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/germany-vhs-goes-europe