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Coat of arms of Untereggen
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of St. GallenCanton of St. Gallen Canton of St. Gallen (SG)
Constituency : Rorschachw
BFS no. : 3219i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 9033
Coordinates : 751 631  /  259264 coordinates: 47 ° 28 '0 "  N , 9 ° 27' 0"  O ; CH1903:  751631  /  259264
Height : 607  m above sea level M.
Height range : 459–882 m above sea level M.
Area : 7.13  km²
Residents: 1073 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 150 inhabitants per km²
Website: www.untereggen.ch
Location of the municipality
Bodensee Unterer Burgweier Mannenweier Buebenweier Chrüzweier Wenigerweier Rütiweier Schlossweier Österreich Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden Wahlkreis St. Gallen Kanton Thurgau Kanton Thurgau Wahlkreis St. Gallen Wahlkreis Rheintal Berg SG Berg SG Goldach SG Mörschwil Rorschach Rorschacherberg Steinach SG Thal SG Tübach UntereggenMap of Untereggen
About this picture
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Untereggen is a municipality in the constituency of Rorschach in the canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland .


The municipality of Untereggen is located between St. Gallen and Lake Constance. With an area of ​​around 7.14 square kilometers and a boundary length of 14.35 kilometers, Untereggen is one of the medium-sized communities in the constituency of Rorschach. Untereggen is one of the st. Gallic inland municipalities: The municipality area does not affect the borders of another canton or those of Switzerland. In the east, where the Wittobel and the Buchberg set natural boundaries, Untereggen meets Rorschacherberg. In the south, the Unteregger municipality is of course bounded by mixed forests. The border between Untereggen and Eggersriet runs north of the ridge. Where the border reaches the edge of the Rütiholz ​​forest is the highest point in the municipality at around 880 meters above sea level. To the northwest, the Goldach River forms the natural border with the communities of St. Gallen and Mörschwil. At the edge of the Ranteswald, where the lowest point in the Untereggen community is measured at around 460 meters above sea level, the common border with Goldach begins north of the Unteregger Höfe.


The Untereggen area is a very old cultural soil. The fact that the first Martinsbrücke was built over the Goldach in the 9th century suggests that there must have been brisk traffic between the monastic estates in the area of ​​Rorschach and the St. Gallen monastery. The courtyards probably developed in connection with this traffic connection between Lake Constance and the monastery. The oldest document dates from the year 908 and refers to the front courtyard, which at that time was still called Eppenwiler.

In the second half of the 15th century the court rights over the Untereggen area came to the prince abbey of St. Gallen. In 1560 the community of Untereggen was granted village rights by St. Gallen. In 1701 a large part of Untereggen broke away from the Goldach parish and has since formed its own parish. In 1803 Untereggen, Eggersriet and Grub merged to form a political municipality, from which Untereggen was separated as a separate municipality in 1827.

The fact that Untereggen was assigned to different courts and parishes for a long time and only later became a politically independent community is reflected in the image of the settlement. In addition to the front courtyard, which is the main settlement and where the church and the school house are, other, relatively strong settlement cores could develop with the middle courtyard and the back courtyard. There are also numerous hamlets and individual farms that have a major impact on the landscape.

In the middle of the 20th century there was a major expansion of the infrastructure. The main road was provided with a hard surface, the water supply was upgraded to a contemporary standard and the supply of electrical energy was continuously improved.

coat of arms

Description: A black raven in silver on a red three-mountain .


Population development
year 1701 1831 1850 1900 1950 2000 2010 2012 2013 2014
population 480 815 754 712 701 897 1002 1042 1026 1025


Aerial photo by Werner Friedli (1969)
  • Sulzberg Castle . The castle, which is now privately owned, was built in the Middle Ages by the Lords of Sulzberg from Sulzberg (Oberallgäu) . The castle became then the property of the Mötteli family, which is why it popularly still Möttelischloss is called. The castle also includes the large castle pond, a popular local recreation area.
  • Catholic parish church St. Maria Magdalena in the front courtyard. The baroque church was built in 1784 by Johann Ferdinand Beer in the style of the Vorarlberg school.
  • Martinstobel. An imposing gorge on the border with the city of St. Gallen

Daughters and sons of the church

Web links

Commons : Untereggen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. admin.ch . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .
  2. ^ Josef Grünenfelder: Parish Church of St. Maria Magdalena Untereggen. (Swiss Art Guide, No. 189). Ed. Society for Swiss Art History GSK. Bern 1976, ISBN 978-3-85782-189-9 .