Investigation of the mechanism of disintegration reactions with simple bond breaking and calculation of their rate constants on the basis of quantum chemical and statistical methods

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Title page of Angela Merkel's dissertation

Investigation of the mechanism of disintegration reactions with simple bond breaking and calculation of their rate constants on the basis of quantum chemical and statistical methods is the title of the dissertation for obtaining the academic degree of Doctor of Science ( Dr. rer.nat. ), Which the later German Chancellor Angela Merkel contributed in 1986submitted tothe Academy of Sciences of the GDR .


Merkel's dissertation was written at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry (ZIPC) of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR in Berlin-Adlershof , where she - like her husband Ulrich Merkel - worked and researched from 1978 onwards. The topic of the thesis was suggested by her doctoral supervisor Lutz Zülicke , head of the theoretical chemistry department at ZIPC.

While working on the investigation took Merkel the opportunity to see some of the calculations on the IBM - mainframe of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague conduct, which it did not existed in the GDR.

On January 8, 1986, she submitted her dissertation. It was rated “very good” ( magna cum laude ).

According to the doctoral regulations of the time, all doctoral students had to enclose proof that the knowledge of Marxism-Leninism acquired during their studies had been significantly deepened and expanded. Merkel made to detect a written paper entitled "What is socialist way of life?" To. Her ideology professor Joachim Rittershaus rated the work as “sufficient” (rite) .

After joining German politics, Merkel forbade viewing the doctoral files. Due to a lawsuit by the magazine Der Spiegel for file information before the Administrative Court in Berlin , the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy released the relevant information.


In her thesis "Merkel dedicates herself to the mechanism of decomposition reactions that occur during waste disposal without air supply ( thermolysis , pyrolysis )." She deals with the methyl radical CH 3 .


Ulrich Schnabel reviewed the work for the weekly newspaper Die Zeit in July 2005 . He points out that Merkel developed a mathematical formula apparatus in her work that allows “a deeper scientific penetration of the processes taking place”. He states that theoretical physicists have mastered the tools of the trade without rhetorical elegance. Especially in the first part, in which she deals with the theory of the transition state and other quantum chemical basics, the work is convincing.

Wolfgang Domcke , Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich , wrote in the Süddeutsche Zeitung in 2005 that the work was “not a scientific revolution”, but extraordinarily “substantial, carefully processed and error-free”. From his point of view, a "straight one". The bibliography contains a complete list of the relevant literature on the topic at the time, including works from West German institutes.


  1. ^ A b c Gerd Langguth: Angela Merkel. Rise to power. Biography. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2nd edition, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-423-34414-2 , p. 116; My way. Angela Merkel in conversation with Hugo Müller-Vogg. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-455-09538-0 , p. 62.
  2. a b c Angela Merkel . In: Der Spiegel . No. 5 , 2010 ( online ).
  3. a b Ulrich Schnabel: Learning to win from physics . In: The time . No. 29, July 14, 2005 ( online ).
  4. a b Patrick Illinger : Hot in detail. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 24, 2005 ( online ).