Uta Eisold

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Uta Eisold (born June 17, 1954 in Kamenz ) is a German actress and director .


As early as 1973 Uta Eisold was artistically active in the Central Ensemble of the Robotron combine . In 1977 she received her diploma for acting at the Leipzig Theater Academy , after which she had engagements in Dresden , Neustrelitz , Stralsund and Plauen . From 1984 to 1989 she taught acting at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin and Rostock and at the Leipzig Theater Academy . In 1991 she became a member of the ensemble at the Hessisches Landestheater Marburg , where she had her first directorial work in 1992.

Uta Eisold is married to the artistic director and director Ekkehard Dennewitz .





Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Neues Deutschland, April 23, 1972, p. 4
  2. ^ Uta Eisold at the Hessisches Landestheater Marburg
  3. a b “Stay up!” In Marburg , discussion in Gießener Allgemeine on October 7, 2014, accessed November 26, 2019